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A/N: This is it. This is the end. I wrote a little message for all of you to read, it would mean a lot if you did.

When I began this story a few days after Christmas, I wrote it on a whim. The story brewed in my mind for perhaps a max week before I began writing it. The original idea was inspired a lot by Big Fish the Musical, the musical I was in, in early December. I remember I used to write day after day and could get a chapter up daily, until around the sixth or seventh chapter. I can't quite tell you how I did it, but I know if I hadn't gotten that far so quickly, I would have never finished this story, it would have been added to my never ending pile of unfinished WIP's. The Ballads of Rebirth was supposed to go in an entirely different direction that I had planned, Lee and Arthur's feud was supposed to be way worse and bitter, and would have ended up with Arthur beating up Lee. Lee was supposed to be much more of an antagonist in the final chapters, a way worse of a person, but I couldn't do it to him. In many ways, he was flawed, he was selfish at times and quick to judge, but he was still loving and goofy. I know people were not going to like him, they were rooting for Arthur after all. But I still love Lee, he was my first official rdr2 oc, my first fully fleshed out character. Quite frankly, I didn't really 'know' who he was until I continued writing it, I had no personality built out for him until I began writing, and I just chose what felt right. That's what happens with a lot of my stories, I write what feels right (which usually leads to plot holes because I don't write shit down). But regardless, I love Lee, and I hope you're satisfied with the ending I gave him.

There were a few times that I thought about giving up, that my story was absolute shit, that my plot holes were too confusing and my narrative was weak, and I was close to quitting. Until people began asking me when the new chapters would be out, what would happen next. While the numbers may be small, the dedication is what kept me going. And yeah, maybe my story isn't the biggest rdr2 fic, maybe it's not talked about in discord servers, but I don't care, all that matters is that the fans that have stayed have shown me that I should continue writing, that there are people rooting for this story. I know, my story is full of plot holes, I know people don't like Lee (which I'll forever be bitter about), I know my story has grammatical errors, I know maybe I shouldn't have killed off Mahala, I know there's a lot I could have done, but there's a lot I still did. As much as I think my story is weak, I'm still proud of the fact that I made it, that it is my own, that I created it and stuck through.

Sometimes, it's not about what you could have done, it's what you did. And that's more valuable in many ways. Creating anything is powerful, and The Ballads of Rebirth taught me that.

So thank you, to every commentator, every person who left a like or kudo, every person who left an ask in my inbox, and especially everyone who complimented my writing style (which is apparently unique? and also these comments are a huge ego boost to me so if I'm cocky, it's those peoples fault). Thank you for sticking with me, and I hope you enjoyed what I made.

I know I did.


Here Are Some Songs That Inspired This Story:

1. Setting Sun - Lord Huron (Main inspiration)

2. Prologue - Starry (What I consider to be the main theme)

3. Sunlight and Storms - Starry (Inspiration for Lee and Reader's relationship)

4. The Road - Starry (yeah.. I know there's lots of Starry, but regardless, Arthur's arc inspiration)

5. After The War - Stars (wow lots of star-esque things, Epilogue inspiration, I recommend listening to it while reading this)


PS. The AU ending will be posted with the main story, as I realized many of you may not see it otherwise.
Time passed quickly and solemnly. Life was peaceful and quiet. And you loved every second of it. After you and Arthur had left Richfield in search of the life you had lost, you and your husband had found it with Charles, in a small cottage down the road from him. Charles was happy to see you and Arthur returned to him.

The Ballads of Rebirth (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now