truth or dare

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"Keefe... truth or dare," Sophie whispered, kicking his shin underneath her desk to get his attention.

They had both gotten detention for something that she totally had no part of... maybe.  Lady Galvin was brusquely walking through the aisles as she scanned their faces for signs of defiance.  Today, they'd been signed with the glorious, regal, not-so-sparkly task of peeling...


Sophie blocked her nose with her sleeve, raising an eyebrow at her boyfriend who gave her a grin that could only mean bring it on.

"Dare," Keefe decided, with a devilish grin.

"I dare you.... oooh! Throw your curdleroot at Lady Galvin's head.  And..." Sophie winked, blocking the mentor's view with her arm as she pointed to her shiny circlet with her other hand. "You have to hit the ridiculously shiny tiara."

"Ha- you're so on. One second though..."  He pushed his hand into his bag, pulled out a wad of paper, and threw it at her in an angle that looked as if someone else across from him had.  Lady Galvin whirled around fuming, as Keefe rolled the curdleroot into his hand, checked his aim twice, and then catapulted it at her head.

Sophie made a weird sort of trying-not-to-laugh snort as the repulsively smelling plant hit its target with a satisfying thud, her circlet clattering to the ground and promptly shattering upon impact.

"Truth or dare," Keefe whispered, ignoring Lady Galvin's demands as to which prodigy had hit her.

"Ummm... truth?"  Sophie said uncertainly, knowing that Keefe could make horrible dares.

"Ugh. You make life hard."  Keefe leaned back in his chair, pulling his gloves farther up to his wrists as he continued peeling the foul-smelling fruits.  "Okay... say, POOF! I was gone from the world- and no, don't die on me Foster, you've done enough of that for all of us."

Sophie glared at him, and continued plugging her nose.

"Would you choose the Dexter or Fitzy?"  Keefe asked coyly, running a glove through his hair before realizing it was covered in swamp-green ooze and then turned white.

"You suck," Sophie told him matter-of-factly. "How about-"

"Ms. Foster! Mr. Sencen! Would you like to share what very interesting discussion you're currently having with the rest of the class?"  Lady Galvin glared down at them.

"Um... no?"  

"Detention tomorrow- and make it the day after that too," she added, as Keefe opened his mouth to speak.

Keefe leaned over and kissed her as soon as Lady Galvin turned away. "If it was with you, Foster, I'd do detention every day of my life."

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