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Techno skipped happily, a bag of food in hand. He hummed a song to himself as he was about to reach his run down car (one he shared with Type). Just as he was about to enter, he felt a hand pull him back by his forearm. He gasped as he lost the footing, and felt a number of sparks running through him.

The individual who grabbed him quickly helped him regain his footing and gave a small apology. Techno shivered at the sound of his voice and turned to face him. He felt his breath hitch as how good looking the person was and couldn't help a blush creeping up.

"H-hi?" He stuttered out.

"Hello, mate," the individual replied, letting go of Techno from his hold, and grabbing his free hand instead. The word 'mate' made Techno blank out for a bit, only snapping out when his 'mate' asked, "What's your name?"

"Techno," he breathed out, unable to turn away.

"Techno," the wolf repeated, a sly smile on his face. "Nice to meet you. I'm-"

"-Kengkla!" A familiar voice called out, pulling the said individual away from the blushing and nervous Techno. "What do you think you're doing to my student?"

Kengkla rolled his eyes, reaching out to sling an arm around Techno's shoulders, "He's my mate, P'Tharn."

Tharn looked at them in surprise. He squinted his eyes in suspicion, before letting out a sigh and nodding. To think innocent little Techno would end up with such a sly individual like Kengkla. He hoped the poor boy wouldn't be corrupted by him.

"Mate, or not, we have a meeting to get to," he stated, tucking his hands into his pockets and giving off his Alpha aura. His actions made Kengkla slightly growl before turning to Techno.

"Too bad I'm busy at the moment. Mind if we go on a date later, though?" He asked, taking out his phone for his mate to give him his number.

"Um, sure," Techno quickly put in his number. Tharn shook his head at their exchange before asking, "How's Type?"

"Type?" Techno repeated. He looked at the professor in suspicion, before brushing it off as nothing more than the older man being worried about his student. "He's good. Just been staying home all day. I just got us some food since the both of us are too lazy to cook today."

Kengkla raised his eyebrows, looking at his Alpha in amusement as he understood who Type was. To think his mate, and his Alpha's mate knew each other.

"Then, is it okay if I pick you up at your house?" Kengkla suggested. "P'Tharn can also drop by the same time as me and check up on this...Type, too. It would be a win-win situation, right?"

Tharn gave a side glare and was about to protest, but being the naive person he was, Techno nodded excitedly. "That would be awesome! Type has been holed up at home the whole time so I'm sure he would love seeing another person other than me!"

Kengkla laughed at how adorable his mate was, and looked at his bewildered and conflicted Alpha with a smirk. "Awesome. We look forward to stopping by later."


"I have a mate," Techno cheered. Type raised his eyebrows, looking up from his assignments. He waited until the boy stopped jumping around, and was calm enough to tell him who his mate was properly.

It made sense why the boy seemed so restless for the last two hours after he got back with food.

"His name is Kengkla," Techno gushed, sitting down on the couch with Type. "He's from the same pack as Professor Kirigun."

Type reached out and gave Techno a pat on the head. Despite the slight jealousy he felt, he was also happy his friend now had someone who he could rely on for the rest of his life. At least were he to encounter any future danger, or face death before Techno, he knew that his best friend had someone to be there for him.

"Congrats, No," he said softly. Techno smiled sheepishly at his gentle gesture. It wasn't often Type showed such a side of him. Not that he wasn't capable, but rather he was the kind of person who usually showed his affection through his eyes.

He hoped whoever Type ended up with in the future would be understanding enough to not push him into showing affection. He knew better than anyone else that pushing Type into doing whatever he didn't want would only make him the more closed off - he was simply just stubborn that way.

The sound of the bell alarmed the two boys. They looked at the door, then back at each other. Type stood up and grabbed a baseball bat, while Techno grabbed two cans of pepper spray. Living in the deeper parts of the rogue zone, they always had to be extra careful, even if they were simply answering the door.

The last time they had answered without protection, Type ended up with a black eye while the assailant ended up fleeing with multiple wounds and was crying in pain.

Luckily it had been another human, but Type was aware he didn't have a chance against non-humans, like the hunters he encountered a while back.

He set the baseball down against the wall, within his reach, and opened the door - Techno right behind him.

His eyes widened when he saw Tharn accompanied by another man. His body loosened as he felt the tension be released. He pushed the door all the way open for two unexpected guests. Techno peaked over and let out a big smile, "Kengkla!"

The said individual waved, a fond smile on his face. Type stepped aside and let the two hug while he greeted Tharn with a shy smile of his own.

"Hi," he said, taking in the casual outfit the professor was wearing. Tharn was usually hot in his suits, but his semi-casual outfit made him look not only hotter, but also younger.

He fought back the growing blush and tried to remind himself of the harsh reality: Tharn was not only his professor, but he also has a boyfriend.

"Hi," Tharn greeted back, gracing him with a blooming smile.

Tharn tried not to stare too hard. But he couldn't help it. Type in a casual shirt and shorts was simply too enticing. Kengkla and Techno had left to go on their date, leaving him alone with his mate (who was yet aware of their bond.) And he didn't know what to do, or what to say. Looking at Type was enough to make him tongue-tied.

"Would you like anything to eat?" Type asked, setting a glass of water down in front of him.

"Oh, no. I'm fine," Tharn said, rubbing the back of his neck as he watched Type move to sit down next to him; his scent was all the more clear and intoxicating.

Gosh, he missed Type so much considering the last time he had seen the boy was back when he got discharged from the hospital.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, trying to ignore the urge to pull Type into his arms.

Type shrugged, "Better." He turned to face Tharn and gave a slight smile, "Thank you for speaking to the university for me, and allowing me to get some time off."

"It's the least I could do," he said, smiling. Type nodded, picking up the remote. "Want to watch a soccer game?"

He laughed at the random suggestion and nodded. "Sure. Why not."

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