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Stay updated on these crimes. It is not right and should not be allowed. Share this message. Tag ppl. These crimes should not be allowed. This has gone on to long. Keep protesting and BE SAFE. POLICE ARE GETTING MORE VIOLET. They don't care. We need to speak up and out about these actions. Rip George Floyd. WHAT THEY DID WAS MURDER. IN THE STREETS. WITH SOOO MANY WITNESSES. HOW COULD THEY HAVE THE GUTS TO DO SUCH THINGS. IT'S SAD. THEY ARRESTED THAT MAN FOR A FALSE CRIME. A CRIME HE DIDN'T  COMMIT. Go on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, just go and watch how cruelly they treat Black ppl. There are lots of celebrities helping to stop this and are speaking on the topic.

New sure to share. Go tag ppl so they can see what this world has come to.

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