Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Ver's POV

When we enter the coffee shop, I see both of our parents together talking to each other. Mel and I have been best friends since middle school and we have been inseparable ever since. Her house is like my second house and her family is my second family. That's how close we are.

"We have some news...", they say as we take a seat. I honestly don't know what they're going to say and by the looks of it neither does Mel. They could be talking about anything but hopefully it's nothing bad.

"We've been thinking that maybe we should let you guys go to one more trip before you girls go to college. It could be anywhere you guys choose and you guys have the option to choose what day you want to leave.", my parents start off, but I feel like that wasn't all and they still need to say more.

"Why does it feel like you guys weren't done and you still have more to say?", asks Mel. I swear, we have like twin telepathy or something because she said exactly what I was thinking.

"There is more to that, too. You guys have to take Bethany to the trip since she is staying here with us. It wouldn't be fair if all of you guys went and she didn't. Alessio and Nolan will be in charge of you guys. We also don't want you guys to party too much while you guys are over there.", when they're done i quickly turn to where Mel is and I see her face go pale. She quickly stands up and and goes to the door of the cafe.

"No Mel, come back. You can't leave right now." She just leaves and starts walking away. Nolan and I quickly get up and follow her. She didn't get too far so we catch up to her.

"Why does she have to come with us after everything she's done. I know she's my cousin and everything but it's like my mom doesn't want to see that she isn't as innocent as she is. I love my aunt because she's amazing but I don't understand how Bethany is related to her. She always comes back to ruin everything, like just leave me alone. GOODNESS!", Mel just vents out and Nolan goes to hug her. I understand her pain because after everything happened, she called me crying that night and told me everything.


I'm about to go to sleep when my phone starts ringing. At first I ignore it but it starts ringing again and again and again. I check to see who it is and see 3 missed calls from Mel. It must be something urgent if she's called me 3 times non-stop.

"Hey girlie, what's up?"

"Can I go to your house now?", she sniffles.

"Yeah. What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I'll tell you when I get there.", she keeps sniffling and that's when I know something is really wrong. Mel hardly cries and when she does it's when something is bad.

*10 minutes later*

"Woah, you came quick! Why are your eyes so swollen, and what were you crying about?", I shouldn't have asked that because she starts breaking down again. It must have been something really bad because she won't stop crying and just stands there trying to calm her breathing and wipe away her tears. I'm about to say something when she beats me to it.

"Kaeden cheated on me. I was about to go surprise him to his house because we haven't been able to hang out as much as we used to before. When I get there I start hearing voices from upstairs. More like moans. When I go the room and see Kaeden on top of a blonde girl. I stand there in shock and just fall to my knees. He finally sees me and quickly get off her and starts apologizing, but when I see who the girl is, that's when my heart actually shatters in a million pieces.", she pauses to catch her breath and all the things she said just registers in my mind.

" The girl was Bethany and she just looked at me with a smug smile. Kaeden starts getting changed and I just start running downstairs to escape them. Kaeden catches up and starts apologizing again, but I don't listen to anything. I quickly get into my car and just drive off. I parked somewhere and the tears just spilled. That's also when I called you.", she concludes. I am livid, like how dare he cheat on my best friend and on the sweetest person that doesn't deserve to ever go through that.

"We need to tell your mom and Nolan. This is just unacceptable, and with your own cousin for goodness sake.", I explain. When I say mom or Nolan, she just looks pale.

"No, not my mom. She probably won't believe me because she loves Bethany and Nolan will be really mad and try to do something to Kaeden. As bad as this hurts, I don't want Nolan into trouble and I don't wish pain on him.". That night was one of the worse ones for Mel. We just stuffed our face with ice cream and cake and we just watched rom coms. I'm going to have to tell Nolan because he deserves to know what is happening with his little sister.

*Alessio's POV* (still in flashback)

I've been playing video games for the past 2 hours and now I'm hungry. I heard the door open, so i guess one of Ver's friends are here. I'm close to the staircase and I start hearing the voices more clearly. I quickly recognize Ver's voice and also the second one. It's Mel's voice. Her voice is unmistakable. It's such a sweet voice that you won't ever want to stop hearing it, but this time it's filled with sniffles and sobs. Who would make a girl like her cry.

"Kaeden cheated on me.", is all I hear before I start seeing red. How could anyone cheat on her. I always knew there was something suspicious about that prick. Nolan was also suspicious but he wanted to be happy for her so he let it go, but I couldn't, I just knew there was something wrong with him.

I go downstairs and they finally see me. Ver and Mel are eating ice cream and watching a movie. Now that I see Mel clearly, I see that her eyes are bloodshot and very swollen. Her face looks red but either way she still looks like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"I didn't know you were her Alessio. I just needed to talk to Ver for something."

"Were you crying?", I ask.

"Yeah, it was just girl problems.", I already know what happened but she doesn't know, so I don't say anything. I'm about to leave and beat the crap out of Kaeden. Right as I'm about to leave, Ver asks, "Where are you going?" .

I quickly think fast and say, " I'm just going to meet someone. I'm not going to take long but still don't stay up too late.". I leave the house and quickly get in my car. Good thing there is a party, so I know where to find Kaeden. When I get to the party, one of my teammates sees me and tries to give me a drink but I decline. I just ask where Kaeden is and he tells me he's out in the back making out with some random.

When I see him, my vision goes red. It hasn't been a full day and he's already moved on, he's a pathetic excuse of a man.

I pull him off the girl and he just looks at me. "Oh hey Alessio, didn't know you were coming.", he says without a clue about what's going to happen to him.

I just punch him in the jaw, and he falls back. I just keep punching his face without any mercy. Someone finally breaks us up and he's on the floor lying with blood all over his face. 





Update: I'v been busy with things and it's not school 'cuz summer break already started but I finally finished chapter 2 and I'm excited for u guys to read this chapter. It's very juicy. You got a sneak peak of Alessio's POV and I hope you guys like it. If u want to see more of his POV, then tell me and don't forget to vote if u want to. Give some feedback and please let's all be positive in this world and try to spread as much positivity as you can. 

↠luv u guys ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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