Being, Tyler Ch. 5

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There comes a point, after reading countless materials and chapters by the same author, where you recognize the methods and ideas each writer has in their work. I hope you’ve recognized that mine is always being late.


Chapter 5


Friday, could not come any slower.

It seemed like every day adding up to my date with Hunter, moved slower than a snail. As if my usual routine (school, home, sleep repeat) was running low on batteries. Maybe it had something to do with a certain dark haired boy staying clear of my path since Tuesday night.

I had not seen Daniel since our brief quarrel in my bedroom Tuesday night; he hadn’t even showed up to Rebecca’s, and I had no problem with that. Except for the fact that life was a little less exciting in a way.. All I did was go to school, go home, talk to Rebecca and then sleep. I haven’t talked to Cassey either, aside from the occasional hello in the hallway and sometimes in the cafeteria when Daniel wasn’t around.

And despite all this uninterrupted time, Cassey stands at my locker at the end of the day, alone.

“Erm, hey Cassey?” I approach slowly opening my locker whilst waiting for her response.

She smiles. “Hey Eliza, I  feel like I haven’t spoken to you in days!”

“Probably cause we haven’t. I’ve been really busy lately,” I lie. The only thing that’s kept me busy is finding something to wear to this date that isn’t really a date tonight, and so far, no luck.

“Yeah, I get it, new school in everything. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later tonight, go to the mall or something…” she trails off when my mouth stretches into a guilty smile.

“I would, but I kind of have something going on tonight.” I feel my cheeks redden.

“Something…like a date? Eliza, you already have a date and it hasn’t even been a month!” She cheers and claps her hands. “With who?”

I hesitate before telling her. “This guy named, Hunter. He asked me last Tuesday, but I’m not sure if it’s a “date” or if we’re just hanging out. And because I don’t know, I have no clue what to wear. Can you tell I’m not experienced in this department?”

“This is perfect then! I can help you pick something out before you go, and I’ll tell Daniel to pick me up right after since he lives next door to you. That way we can ‘bond’.” The glimmer in her eyes tells me not to crush her hope with a blunt ‘no thanks’ so I nod.

“Why not?” I shut my locker. “Did you want to meet me at my house…I don’t have a car.” I’d have to call Rebecca for a ride, as embarrassing as it is.

I hope Rebecca doesn’t mind me inviting people over without permission. It’s just Cassey after all, if she can let the devil himself sit at our dinner table than I don’t see why not.

“We can take my car, it’s no problem.” I follow her towards the parking lot texting Becky that I have a ride and friend on the way home.

Once situated in Cassey Toyota, we pull out of the parking lot and head to my house. Despite her boyfriend being next door, Cassey asks for directions.

“Have you not been to Daniel’s house before? I thought you guys have been dating for a long time.” I ask out of the blue wishing I hadn’t, it’s none of my business.

She shifts uncomfortably. “No, I haven’t, Daniel likes to keep his personal life behind a wall, doesn’t like to talk about it; no matter how hard I’ve tried to get through it, he just closes up. We spend most of the time at my place or out and about.”

Being, TylerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora