Petrified- One

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"Archer!" I yelled as the enemy swarmed us.  I glanced around looking for any way out, I was a goner.  I watched as the 'petrified' surrounded me.  Their vile gruesome faces covered my vision.  

I heard Tori whimper as we were backed against the wall.  Where in the hell were the guys?  I knew this had been a bad idea, splitting up to cover more ground.  The guys thought if we went through the back streets there wouldn't be as many of the petrified.  Boy, were we wrong.  Now as we backed into a dead-end alley, Tori, Gigi, and I were about to meet our makers.  The one thing we ran from for the past two months were about to take us.  I didn't want to become one of these vile, disgusting creatures.  I pulled the gun from out of my pants and brought it to the side of my head. 

"No Riley!" Tori screamed, grabbing my hands to stop me from pulling the trigger. 

I looked back up at the petrified, they were getting closer.  They would soon be having a feast, munching on my body.  Then I would rise, live again, as one of them.  Hell no!

"I won't wake up as one of them Tor."  I said through clenched teeth. 

I don't know what she saw in my eyes, but she nodded and let go of my hand.

I looked towards Gigi then back to Tori, "After I'm gone, you'll do the same, if you know what's good for you."  I said, my heart had grown cold, and I felt no emotion as I put the gun back to my temple.  I watched tears streamed down the girls faces, but I wouldn't cry.  I wouldn't shed one single tear, I grew cold, and glared at the petrified.  I pulled the trigger.

 You would call them zombies, but this isn't 2010.  We were amazed by zombies back then, making movies, and writing books about them.  Today, it's real, more than real.  It is the year 2020, and the world as we know it, has ended.  I was in my bedroom when the first sighting happened.  There were people yelling outside and I ran over to my window.  There was a guy, bloody and torn, moaning and limping down the road.  People had gathered around to watch and gawk at him.  The man seemed to stop and look at all his gawkers and before they had a chance to react, he attacked the first person he could get a hold of.   After that everything seemed to blur.  The infection seemed to spread so fast, we didn't have enough time to prepare, or to run.  My family, which consisted of my dad and older brother, were not as lucky as I.  They were outside when the outbreak occurred, trying to save the people that were being attacked.  We didn't know then, that the attacked, came back as one of them.  That's how my brother and my father died, and that's also how I killed them.




Ok, so, I'm trying out my skills at writing a zombie story... what do you think?  Should I continue???   I plan on making this a series... so I just want to know if I should continue???



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