A More Shocking Discovery

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Togusa came up to me and wanted me to come with him to check out the restaurant and find anything else suspicious.

"What was your finding, (Y/N)?" "I didn't find anything other than the Minister of Foreign Affairs acting suspiciously. You have the footage with you?" "Sure do." As we rolled the footage, the way the Minister of Foreign Affairs was acting seemed to catch Togusa's eye. "Yeah, you're right. Something doesn't seem right. Wait a minute." As we were watching, we found out that the NIAPA official that was killed had the same exact briefcase that the Minister was carrying.

"We found something! Major! There was a report that the minister was into body swapping with geishas right?" "Your point?" "What if someone switched the minister's brain case? If our perpetrator was after the Ichnose Report, then he would need the outward appearance of the minister. Are you following yet?" "She walked into the restroom during the switch, which explains why she was attacked." Major yelled into my ears that made me hear some ringing for a bit. "ISHIKAWA!"

We were out of there and get driving. "Batou, emergency mobilization L-2 load out. Get Saito, Togusa, and (Y/N) to the airport!" It wasn't long after we arrived at the airport with our weapons. Seems like I was correct about the Minister being suspicious.

"We'll go on ahead." Major and Batou went first as Ishikawa, Togusa, Aramaki, and myself walked off the aircraft.

Just when the Minister was about to walk onto his plane, Aramaki stopped him at the last minute. "Just a moment, Minister." He turned around and looked glad to see him. "It's you. Thanks for saving my life and what can I do for you today?" We walked up and Aramaki gave him a paper that said he was removed from office. "Remove? What the hell's the meaning of this?" "Having read that, you are no longer the Minister of Foreign Affairs as of now." "What? On who's authority?" "On that of the Prime Minister and Board Members of the ruling party. You may verify it for yourself. Now assemblyman, last night's events put you under suspicion of spying as well as seeking political asylum in a foreign country. We need you to accompany us, please." "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

As he said that, three red dots were on his chest, daring him to make a move. As his guys were wielding their guns, Togusa and I wielding our guns as well. "Don't move! It's not worth protecting someone who's a fraud."

They all moved away as the assemblyman didn't. Togusa then grabbed the briefcase, opened it up and confirmed it was the case he stole from the deceased NIAPA official. "Chief, we secured the brain case." Aramaki walked up and said, "Care to tell me who you are? We'll find out eventually, simply in a matter of time. (Y/N), arrest this man." "Yes sir." I put the cuffs on him and we started to walk away from the plain.

A couple days later, we visited the secretary who was severely hurt. Kubota, after talking with the secretary's parents, walked up to the car as Aramaki was waiting for him. "An operation will give her brain function support by cyber technology and micro machines. She will have some impairment in her speech centers, but it won't interfere with her daily life." "I'm glad." "I wish we'd been able to handle this within our department, but I owe you one." "If you hadn't taken a firm stand after it went down, the police would've stormed in and wasted those geishas, and that would've been the end of it. Without Section 9 involved, there'd be a media blitz covering the defection of the Minister of Foreign Affairs right about now." "Still, I'm amazed at how quickly you pulled the paperwork you needed to convince the politicians." "Always be prepared, as the motto goes." "And the Minister's jet, for some reason it was delayed even though the weather was clear as a bell." "Well, that's Section 9 for you."

"Can I speak to (Y/N) for a quick second?" "Of course. (Y/N)?" I went out o be greeted with a handshake from Kubota. "If it wasn't for your theory, my person would be dead. Thank-you young man." "Absolutely, sir." "If we ever want you to help us out with anything like this, we'll give you a call." "I'd like that, sir. Thank you." I went back into the car and we dove away.

"Seems Kubota likes you." "Yeah, but I'd prefer to stay in this group. If I were to describe you guys, I'd say a family." Motoko seemed touched by it while she was driving, same with Aramaki. "You think so?" "Yes. You all are giving me the opportunity to give back and atone for the crimes I committed and I want to say thank-you." Motoko put her hand on my shoulder to reassure me that I don't need to thank them so much. "How about some lunch? Who's hungry?" "I could eat." "Me too." "Lunch is on me. You guys order whatever you like." "(Y/N, no. You don't need to do this." "But I want to. Besides, it was my first arrest anyway and I think it deserves a celebration. Correct me if I'm wrong?" "No. You're not wrong." "Alright. Let's order takeout." We went along the highway and ordered takeout and brought it back to the headquarters.

As we got back to the headquarters, everyone was confused. "What the hell? Why would we eat? We already did." "I had my first arrest and I wanna celebrate with all of you. If you're not hungry, I respect the hell out of it. Let's dig in."

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