Chapter Six• Talking to Chiron

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"Okay, Bruce I know this is a weird request, but I want to meet with someone from my dad's side of the family and basically tell them what's up with me, where I am and all of that.", Nico told Bruce.

The plan Nico had come up with yesterday evening did end up being just asking, because everything else was way more complicated. Besides, if Bruce were to say no, Nico would still be able to sneak off and do one of the many insane back-up plans he had come up with that night.

So now here the two of them were in Bruce's office on the third floor. It was morning, after they had eaten Breakfast together. Nico had asked Bruce if they could talk in private, and that's how they got there.

"It's not a weird request Nico, I understand that you want to see your family.", Bruce said, and Nico was feeling relieved.

"That's great, could you maybe drive me to New York? The person I want to see lives there."

"We can most certainly get you to New York, however I want to be there when you meet your family." Bruce said and his tone and overall appearance made it clear he was dead set on that.


"If you don't want it to be me, I would be okay with Dick or Alfred being there, but I want an adult with you. Cass is an adult too, but I don't want it to be just you and her, because you can't really understand her."

Nico didn't say anything. It was a reasonable request from Bruce, but it made it basically impossible to visit Camp Half-Blood, or any other Demigod place for that matter.

"It's just that nobody showed up in the hospital, there was no missing person's report issued, which means they weren't looking for you, and also the whole thing with you being homeless while having that big of a family that, how many people your age? 25?, is a low number. I'm sorry but letting you meet your family all alone doesn't seem like the best idea."

Nico had to think about what he would say next. He hadn't expected a 'yes, but', so he hadn't planned for this possibility.

"I understand why you think that way Bruce, but they don't really like people that aren't part of the family in their homes." Nico said. He could see that Bruce was about to say something about that, maybe offer a solution to his problem, so Nico decided to keep on talking. "I would want to ring a couple of them first. Do you have a landline?"

Bruce looked at Nico amused but then saw that Nico was serious in his question.

"I don't have a phone, Bruce. We went shopping yesterday and I told you all about my religion, remember?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I though your whole no phone thing just meant you couldn't have one. I didn't know it meant you needed a landline."

"Well, it does." Nico said, trying not to sound too annoyed. He didn't mind not having a phone, he probably wouldn't have been able to properly use it anyways, he minded Bruce not remembering. "Do you have one?"

"Yes, I do. I'll get you the phone."

"Okay, thank you."

Now, 15 minutes later, Nico was sitting on the roof, the place Dick had shown him on his tour around the Mannor. He had the phone for the landline in his hand and was about to start typing in the number, when Nico realised, he didn't know the phone number for Camp Half-Blood, or any other phone numbers that weren't 911.

He pulled the thick envelope out of his hoodie pocket, took the prism out of it and put the prism down on the fire escape stairs. The rainbow was small, but it was a rainbow and that was all Nico needed.

"Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, accept my offering and show me Chiron, Camp Half-Blood, long Island." Nico said and threw in one of the drachmas.

"All I am saying is that if the portal had worked properly in the first place, we wouldn't have this problem.", Chiron said. Nico was sure Chiron was in the big house, although he couldn't really see Chiron's surroundings or the person he was talking to.

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