Make A Break For It

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The cold autumn air whipped my face. My nose running, heart pounding. This feeling was amazing. 

I lit the next flare & threw it back at the ATV chasing me. 

“Dad, you got the plane?” I yelled into the walkie talkie

“Yep, all thanks to your distraction” he laughed

“Haha yea, W-WHOA!” I screamed

My ATV ran over some gigantic tree root, lucky I then hit the open road.

“Jordyn! You alright?” Dad asked worriedly 

“Yea, just some dumb tree, nothing to intense.” I laughed

“The trainee cops are on my tail, I gotta get in the air, Jor, just take the second repo.” He said.

“On it” I smirked  

I jumped out of my ATV & ran unto the runway with my target in sight.

The Hawker 600

The trainee cops were trying there best to follow me, but I managed to get on the plane in time.

I made a break for the runway.

The coppers just thought they could block the runway with there tiny ATVs

I saw them waving there arms like they were telling me to stop.

Haha foolish men

The airplane soared into the sky, the boys eyes glued to my plane.


End of Chapter One


I know this story must be weird

Next chapter should explain most stuff

So keep being a unicorn & keep riding your rainbow



P.S. Check out my Instagram: dorkymandeers


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