Chapter 1

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If Rhys was planning on spending a day without drama from other courts then his day had been ruined the moment Helion winnowed into Velaris with a frantic look on his face. "Is she here?!" He asked looking at Rhysand with distress clear on his features. The High lord of Night Court glances at Mor whom was sitting at the dining table. "Is who here Helion?" The violet eyed Half Illyrian asked placing a hand on the shoulder of his friend.

"M-my daughter, I received a letter yesterday from my Ex-Lover. I have a daughter, a half Illyrian daughter." Helion said as he composed himself, his amber eyes scanned the room. Azriel was in a corner submerged in shadows whereas Cassian was standing in the doorway. "Rhys, Devlon has gone on a Rampage, his wife is dead. Danyra was killed by Illness late last night." Cassian said softly.

Rhysand nodded, "We will Winnow to Devlon's Camp, Helion come with us." The High Lords grasped onto each other before Rhys winnowed then to Devlon's camp.


If being stuck in a house with her mother's dead body wasn't bad enough, then being locked in the cellar while her 'father' and his friends took turns at raping her was hell. Asperia had forgotten the day, the hour and the month by the time the seventh male was done with her, her voice was hoarse from screaming and her eyes red from her tears. "Cauldron save me." She whispered as she heard the door to the cellar open. But it wasn't one of her fathers friends coming back for seconds, no, this time it was Her friend.. Azriel.

"Asperia!" Azriel yelled as he ran to her and covered her with a blanket, "I swear I'm going to kill them." He snarled. Asperia smiled sadly and let the darkness entangle her.

Azriel POV

I picked Asperia up and held her close before hurrying out of the home, "Cass! Get Devlon.. NOW!" I growled as I set her down softly and checked her over, Helion walked to me with a worried look. "Let me help.. she is Danyra's daughter... isn't she?" He asked, his amber eyes shining with recognition as they took in her features. The dark skinned male kneeled beside her and kissed her forehead with tears in his eyes of molten Sunlight.

"A-Az... it hurts.."

A/N Thank you for reading my story this is my first proper fanfic so thanks soo much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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