Niall Horan Imagine

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It's been 3 months since your boyfriend Niall, YES.. Niall as in Niall Horan, the Irish one of One Direction - world biggest boy band, has been on tour and you have not met him in 90 days!

Your P.O.V

We hardly talk as he's always too busy. I can't do this anymore. I'm missing him like hell!

All I want is to be with him, kiss his soft lips, look in his blue eyes, tell him how im

portant he is to me and cuddle with him till late nights, taking silly pics with him...!

Niall's P.O.V

I don't feel good! It's not right! (Y/N) is suffering from all this, I can feel it!

I wish she could be with me right now! I want to hold her in my arms!

I love her! Yes she's the one I've been waiting for

I can't lose her at any cost. 

She's my princess, the girl who makes my ♥ beats faster whenever I'm near her, the one who made me fall in love, the girl whose smile brightens my day!

It's Friday night! 

You're not really a party type person so you preferred to stay home, watching movies rather than partying with your friends!

''I miss those Friday movie nights with Niall...'' and tears rolled down your cheeks

Few minutes later, your phone started ringing

It's Niall!

Niall: ''Hey babe''

You: ''Hi'' *You tried not to make Niall know that you were crying but your voice was cracking

Niall: ''I miss you too princess...and guess what I've got a good news!''

You: ''Good news?''

Niall: ''Yeah hun! Pack your stuffs, you're coming here! I've made all arrangements. Your flight is in 12 hours''

You started smiling! :)

You: ''Oh Ni..'' before you could say anything

Niall: ''It's so hard to stay away from you love"

You: ''Nialler you're the best boyfriend ever. I love you sweetheart!''

Niall: ''I love you too princess! Can't wait to see you''

You didn't sleep the whole night 'cause you were too excited to finally meet your boyfriend after 90 days which seemed like an eternity to you!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2012 ⏰

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