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This chapter is an explanation chapter. Since some of you are shocked and confused I'll explain what happened.

This story, I have already planned everything that will happen. Although I am a bit unsure if I portrayed my thoughts and plans accurately? since I'm not that good in writing.

So if you read back to chapter 10, haven't you noticed.. The ??? When Sakura fell? That was when she hit her head.

you're slick enough if you noticed ;)

AFTER the ??? The words, everything that happened are all Naruto's made up dream.

Naruto said that when he met Hinata, that's when he dreamt of her training with him.

So therefore, when he met Hinata, then he sleeps during nighttime there his dreams start. And he makes up things inside his dream.

After Sakura fell, Naruto (in the reality) knew about how her parents are dead, how she was alone and things that happened to her, so when Naruto sleeps, that's when he makes things up, since he learned about the things in Sakura's life, so that's why he said "I dreamt of all Sakura-chan's suffering."

So for example, if Naruto didn't meet Hinata in the real world, then he wouldn't have dreamt of training with Hinata inside his dream world.

So if you remember, in the last Flashback, Naruto, Sasuke, and the Medic are the only people that heard Kakashi say that if only he also gave attention to Sakura this wouldn't have happened, that's when Naruto made up things in his dream on how Kakashi disregarded Sakura.

Yes, Sakura was alive from Chapter 1 to halfway of Chapter 10, like I have said, Sakura is dead after the three italicized question marks.

And if you notice, the S.H (Sakura Haruno) I write from the start of my chapters changed to N.U (Naruto Uzumaki) ever since the
??? happened.

Also the small details like Naruto giving Sakura a white lily when they were picking weed, how Sakura whined on how she wanted to go home, how Naruto felt weird and cold even when he's in Konoha, how Sakura's attitude changed drastically ALL AFTER THE THREE ITALICIZED QUESTION MARKS.

I'll answer the questions you have, feel free to ask.

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