
9 0 0

Every second day, like clockwork.
The window is small, but I am careful.

I've been doing this for... at least 4 months now. I know that each time I exploit this loophole I created, the risk of a mistake increases. I am painfully aware of my own humanity, even though I am of course –  artificially aided.

Twelve steps, six cycles, three phases and one outcome.


Meticulously I execute, incrementally achieving the improbable. If the medical field  has taught me anything; it is that the unexpected delivers the most immense change – They won't expect this.

The screen furtively emits the results of the current time window:

Step twelve: complete.
Cycle six: complete.
Phase two completion: 96.7236%
Enter phase completion sequence key:

The twenty-four digit code pushes it to 100% as it clears the screen, resetting the terminal. Before it can finish it's clandestine light show I slip out of the pressurized containment area, back to "safety" –  minutes to spare.

The next phase will be the hardest.
The last – yet the first requiring the human subject present.


The final time slice is critical.
I've created a six hour opening for a five hour procedure. The fight between insanely dangerous and incredibly skillful wearing thin.

I am confident. Because I am the best. The only.

However this too is my weakness... nobody can do what I am about to; And nobody ever has. Not yet. If caught there is only one finger to point. I will be terminated.

I... am confident. Beyond the point where  stupidity looks brave, failure will make them dig in. They will more fervently protect their efforts if this doesn't work, we cannot fail. I am human, but I can do this. Must do this.

Two days from now.


Everett arrives and the time slice begins – my wrist giving me a haptic nudge. We tour the labs and joke about mad science. Oh god, I can only hope Everett will forgive me one day.

I've programmed the containment to be a bit slower and quieter today. It surreptitiously  sneaks around behind us, closing us in. Every doorway ensuring this goes to plan.

Step one: complete.
Containment complete.

I've programmed my nasal implement for a now modified step two. This is not an iteration. This is reality. I am doing this, how am I doing this?  This is so not who I... what if...

Chemical readings trigger a pre-programmed failsafe I wanted in place. No, needed.  Modifying me for the sake of all of this is the only way I could do this  to Everett. I didn't expect my heart and mind to give way so early in  the process, but I can't be surprised by my own humanity. I accounted for it.

My wrist nudges again. The nudge cascades up my sleeves as a reactive agent floods into my veins to protect myself –  everyone – from my conscience.

Within a second I am calm, precise; The clarity reinvigorates my focus. I am doing this. We are doing this.


The final door thumps gently into place, and I watch Everett enamoured with telemetry on screen and the large scale stasis table it's connected to.  The large dome shaped glass alongside, the table lined with a constantly moving foam, revolving, waiting for a human to entangle. An embrace of necessary betrayal.

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