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This is the combined aesthetic of Lily and Draco, maybe you'll guess what it is about even before reading the chapter🤪💘

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This is the combined aesthetic of Lily and Draco, maybe you'll guess what it is about even before reading the chapter🤪💘

Draco gazed at his reflection in the mirror, his attire complete. He didn't expect anyone to have the same idea as him with his costume as no one would dare to ever be like him. The long robe that was hugging his body was black like spilled ink, the collar of it reaching just a few millimeters under his jaw line.

He didn't button it so anyone could see clearly that underneath was a white shirt that had huge red spots one could think it was blood; except it was just some red ink that cursed one of his favorite shirts forever. The sleeves of his robe were rolled slightly, but not rolled enough to show his dark mark. The shirt was tucked into his also black like spilled ink jeans.

One of the silver rings he inherited from his father, with the large M crest of the Malfoys carved on it was on his index finger.

His face was pale, who was he joking? His entire skin was pale as to make it obvious what creature he was. Two fake red circles were painted on his neck, another part of his outfit.

His blonde hair was gelled back, only one lonely strand of it hanging loosely on his forehead.

'Man you must be ready, feels like you were in there for days!' he heard Blaise's voice and with a scoff he opened the bathroom door to reveal his best friend, dressed like a pirate.

'Whoah mate,' Theo, that was dressed as a zombie, said, emerging from behind his bed. 'You're gonna be king tonight.'

They weren't aware that a few dorms away, a redheaded girl emerged from the bathroom, leaving the other girls speechless.

'Lils!' Hermione exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement as she saw her best friend emerging from the bathroom.

As far as she was aware, no one could be as classy and beautiful as Lily Motherfucking Potter when it came to style. She always managed to dress exceptionally, no matter on what occasion; Merlin she had style even when she finished Voldemort off.

The other girl, especially Artemis (she was Will's first girlfriend) were watching with envy as the redhead had added the finishing touches to her dress robes.

'I love your costume, Mione,' Lily said with a bright smile that didn't really suit her attire, but the bushy haired girl smiled back at her widely.

She was dressed in a Victorian style as Hermione decided she would be a high lady from the 1800s; her hair was put into an elegant bun that Lily helped her with, and a tiara was around it. Her pastel pink dress had a V shaped neck and pink lace all over it. Lily usually despised anything pink, but it just looked amazing on Hermione.

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘴 (𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺)Where stories live. Discover now