Chapter 3

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We were now at the beach and I was on a stretcher on my side as I was brought into an ambulance.

"I'll see you later at the hospital, okay sweetie?" Dad said as he kissed my forehead before walking out as the doors to the ambulance closed.


I was now at the beach since I was released from the hospital and was with Dad and the others.

The doctor just said to not do anything too extreme.

We were now at a table eating our lunches when Brody came and sat next to me.

"How was your day today?" I asked Brody.

"Uh, I don't know. A guy died. How about you? Is your back okay?" He asked as I just nodded.

"Yep. I just won't be swimming in water for the next few weeks." I said, poking my food.

"Maybe this is why we keep losing recruits. They can't handle it." Stephanie said to Dad according to Brody's question.

"Yeah. I mean, now that you know our job is much more than you expected, right, the stakes are higher, what happened today, while very tragic, unfortunately, it does happen. So if you want to quit, hey, we totally get it. But if you don't and you choose to stay, just know that Baywatch is more than a job. It's a way of  life." Dad said, looking at Brody.

"A way of life. You and I both know I'm sticking around." Brody said back to Dad.

"Am I the only one that got a salad?" Ronnie said making me smile.

"Look, this is what I don't understand, okay? A guy dies. That's tragic. But that doesn't mean that there's anything sinister going on. Okay? And even if there was, that's not our job. That's not what we do. We're lifeguards. So this technically has nothing to do with us. You just heard that cop. He just told us that." Brody said, explaining to us about what's our job and what we should be doing.

"I just that you had to be on a really restrictive diet to look like you guys." Ronnie said, now gaining our attention as he eats a forkful of his salad.

"Brody, what is it that you think we do here at Baywatch?" CJ asked.

"I thought we were lifeguards. I thought that we prevent people from getting sunburned and, yeah, occasionally stop them from drowning."

"And that's all you think that this is?" Stephanie asks with a smile.

"It's exactly what I thought it was."

"CJ. How about you throw a few of last months casss at Olympiad here and see what he'd do." Stephanie said to CJ.


"Okay, um... school of manta ray in the cove?"

"You call Animal Control?" Brody asked, looking at CJ weirdly.

"Before Animal Control shows up, the school of manga ray fly up out of the water, sting someone in the chest and they die." Dad said, explaining it to Mitch.

"Steve Irwin, R.I.P." Ronnie said.

"How about, uh, sand grifters running a con on the beach, right?" Stephanie asked, looking at Dad.

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