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I feel my head aching as I sit up in my bed. I put arm up to ease the pain, except my arm won't listen. Actually, now that I'm beginning to regain my consciousness, none of my body parts where corporating. I try once again to lift my arm, to move any part of my body. Suddenly, my body began to move, but it wasn't me. I keep trying to move trying to take control, but my body won't let me. I'm scared. What's happening wrong with me? I was up and out of my room in seconds, walking out to the front of the house. As I walked out I saw Mother and Father both walking away from the house. Where are they going?! I attempted to shout at them, to get their attention, but all that came out was a growl. What? I can't even speak? I desperately attempt to call out again to keep my parents from leaving, but no words came out. I watched the parents walk down the sidewalk until they where out of sight, leaving me alone in front of the house. "Penny! There you are!", said a small voice from behind me. George? "Penny? Is something wrong? Are you ok big sis?" I felt a pain in my chest as he asked this. Suddenly out of nowhere, my body began to move on its own again. Wait, no! I can't leave George! As I walked away from our house I could hear George shouting for me, but I couldn't go back, my body won't let me. I left my little brother in the house all alone. I'm so sorry George... Tears streamed from my eyes as my body continued forward.

~Two weeks later~

I walked around aimlessly for days. I have hurt so many people in my time of wandering and even found out that my little brother was missing. I don't know what to do. Paying attention to where I was going, I saw that I was back at my house tho, I didn't go inside. Instead my body finally decided that it once a gain time rest. I sat on the side of the house and eventually fell asleep. I awoke suddenly when I heard a car door slam. "This is the place that George Pig was last seen." This person is looking for George? I didn't have much time to question it tho as my body got up and immediately hit the poor robloxian.

A/N: Hello everyone! This is my interpretation of what Penny was probably thinking when she was infected, plz don't take it as canon. If you would like for me to write about her thoughts during game play, plz comment. Thank you for reading!😊

Their Internal Screams(A Roblox Piggy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now