Island Lost, Artist Found (Chummi x Gusto)

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Rare pairing: Chummi x Gusto. (Chummi appears in S2. Ep1)

It was just Chummi's luck that his airship's balloon sprung a leak as it was flying over a strange island that appeared to be trapped in the middle of a sinkhole. His initial plan had been to set his ship down as gently as possible, make the necessary repairs, and then leave before the island finally sunk into the ocean. What he hadn't expected to run into was another Gummi Bear.

Augustus Gummi, Gusto for short, was a slender artist with blue fur. He wore a brown tunic with a red scarf, and a sunflower yellow cap. In fact, Chummi's first thoughts upon meeting the artist had been: 'He's rather easy on the eyes, isn't he?' and 'Rather chatty fellow, but that is to be expected after spending 12 long years alone on an island with only a parrot to converse with.' And the most predominant thought, by far, was 'That eccentric bear had better settle down soon, or I'll...' Well, those silent words were quickly lost to the wind as Chummi recalled the delighted look Gusto had pierced him with the moment their eyes had met. And the blond bear was the newcomer to the island, so he couldn't really blame the artist for keeping to his own schedule.

A loud crash interrupted his thoughts, and Chummi grumbled under his breath as he pulled his blanket closer. The straw beneath him was already difficult to sleep on, and with the artist making all that racket, he'd be lucky to stay awake through the repairs the following day.

"You kept me up all night last night," Chummi grumbled, frowning at the shorter gummi. He'd managed to get a decent amount of repairs done to the ship, despite the yawns that had permeated his waking hours, and now they were settled around the table eating the dinner that Gusto had foraged.

"I'm sorry, ChumChum. I'm an artist. I need to work when the inspiration strikes!" the blue bear insisted.

Chummi's frown only deepened, and he tossed the now-empty coconut to the side as he rose from his seat. Without a word, he circled the little table, and focused a deliberately intimidating gaze upon the shorter gummi. As the silence stretched between them, Gusto seemed to wilt, his eyes flickering around the room nervously.

"You're lookin' a little upset there, big guy," the artist finally said, his fingers drumming against his own coconut.

Chummi sighed, and then grabbed the other gummi by the hand, hefting him to his feet. "It can't be helped. I guess I'll have to wear you out tonight if I want to get any sleep."

"W-What? Wear me out? Chummi, what are you even..." Gusto's words were interrupted by a gasp as the bigger bear leaned down to nuzzle his soft neck fur. He let out a groan as Chummi unknotted his red scarf, and tossed it aside, pressing a soft kiss to the nape of his neck.

When Chummi finally pulled back, it was to the sight of his lovely artist wearing the most deliciously disheveled look. His eyes were glazed over, his mouth slightly parted, his cap askew. All in all, it was a delightful picture, more beautiful than any of Gusto's paintings.

"You can say no, Gus. I won't be offended," Chummi told him.

The artist's eyes focused on him. "What?"

Chummi pulled back a little more, clenching his hands against his tunic to avoid the temptation of trailing his fingers through the other gummi's beautiful fur. "Say no," he repeated softly, "and we'll stop."

Gusto blinked at him, and then his arms stretched out, wrapping around Chummi's neck to pull him back down. Moments before their lips sealed together, Gusto whispered, "Yes."

When Chummi awoke, the lithe form of his favorite artist was curled against him, using the bigger gummi's bare chest as a pillow. Chummi couldn't help letting out a low chuckle as he tailed his fingers up and down his lover's side, curious to see where this new development would lead.

"Mmmm... A gummi could get used to this," Gusto purred, stifling a yawn as he cuddled closer. "Especially this blanket," the artist added, tugging the covers back up to his chest.

"Are you saying you only like me for my blanket?" Chummi teased, bopping the blue bear on the nose.

"Of course not. I rather like the whole package," Gusto insisted, leaning up to seal their lips together. Their morning kisses were unhurried and tender, accompanied by the press of their bodies beneath the shadows of the blanket.

"Sorry," Chummi sighed, even as he pulled back from his delicate lover. "I really do need to finish the repairs on my ship. This island is reaching its end, and I want to make sure we escape in time."

"I know," Gusto whispered, his hooded gaze focusing on the hole in the ship's wall where his beloved masterpiece waited for the perfect moment. A perfect moment that he would never witness if he wanted to survive, and see where his new relationship would take him.

"Do you need to pack anything? I can handle the repairs if you want to finish your... dragon-thing," Chummi offered.

Gusto shook his head. "My masterpiece is complete." He glanced around the room, and then slid out from under the blanket. "If you have the room, I'd like to take a few of my paintings with me, and my supplies, of course."

"I do have the room," Chummi promised. It would be a tight squeeze, but he'd risk it to make his artist smile.

"Okay," Gusto sighed, abruptly spinning around to wrap his arms around the bigger gummi.

"I like you, too, Gus," chuckled Chummi, returning the hug. All too soon, they separated to pull on their clothing.

Artie Deco flew through the hole, and landed on Gusto's shoulder. "Time to go? Squawk!"

Gusto laughed, tickling the parrot under his beak. "Yeah, Artie. I guess it is. Let's grab what we need, and get out of here."

The dragon's fire erupted just as Gusto had planned. And as the dragon breathed fire, the island rumbled loudly. From the safety of the airship, Gusto watched as the foundation beneath the island began to crumble, sending his home of 12 years into the depths of the sinkhole. A flurry of birds took flight, escaping certain doom with only moments to spare.

"There it goes. Twelve years of work. Gone!" Gusto sighed dramatically, turning his back on the scene.

"It was magnificent while it lasted," Chummi insisted. He slipped across the deck to wrap his arms around his lover's shoulders, tugging him close. "When we find the Great Gummies, you'll be the greatest artist of them all."

"Thanks, Chumamundo. Say, is there anything I can do to help out around here?" the artist asked, glancing around the airship.

"Why don't you paint the horizon, and I'll let you know when I need some help, okay?" offered Chummi, well aware that his lover was less mechanically inclined.

"Alright. A painting or two would liven up this ship," Gusto said, snatching up his art supplies.

"Good, good. I look forward to seeing your work," Chummi said. Truth be told, he was much more interested in seeing his artist happy. The art itself couldn't brighten up his day like Augustus Gummi could.


Note: A rare pairing, and likely the only fic I'll write with these two. I have to say, I think they'd be cute together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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