Picking up the pieces

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A\N: Okay this may be my inner Bakugo kinnie talking, but does anyone else just hate Midoryia? Like, I don't know why, but something with that kid just don't sit right with me. Does anyone want me to post a 4 chapter long Hawk's sicfic on here? Cuz I will. 

Summary: Someone wanted me to do some Shinkami, so let's gooooo. Characters are in their early 20's, and pro heros.

Maybe if Kaminari paid attention more, then he would have noticed. Maybe if he heeded the warning signs that blared red in annoying obviousness now, then he would have known. Maybe, just maybe, if he wasn't so dumb, then he could have been prepared.

A wave of self hatred crashed against him, almost as hard as the right hook he received from Bakugo the other day. It was all his fault. Maybe if he wasn't so stupid, then she would still love him. Well, that is if she ever did in the first place.

Maybe he was such a damn idiot, that she ended up resorting to girls.

Really, she could have just told him. Of course, he would be heartbroken, but pretty much anything was better than this. Walking into your own apartment after a rough day at work to find... Well... 

Kaminari yelped in suprise, covering his eyes to give the two privacy, even if they were the ones having an... Intense... Make out session on his bed. His phone slipped from his shaky fingers, landing onto the wooded floor with a harsh clatter. Backpedaling out of the room in shock, he almost tripped over Jiro and Momo's discarded clothes. 

When did it come to this? Why had it come to this? 

He was too shocked to fully comprehend the situation before him, all he knew was that he needed out of there. Before he could make his pathetic escape, soft hands were placed on his shoulder, leading him twords the two seater couch. What? No, he needed to go.

 "Kaminari, I am truly sorry you had to find out this way." Momo addressed him, meeting his eyes with a sympathetic gaze. Then there was Jiro, looking significantly less sorry. He felt like an idiot. He lowered his head in humiliation, bottom lip wobbling slightly.

 How did he not know before? How long has this been going on?

He assumed they were explaining themselves, but their explanations fell upon deaf ears. Kaminari's brain refused to process at the right speed, feeding nasty insults to his thoughts. He just needed air.

This wasn't playing out like those cheesy soap operas him and Jiro used to watch all the time to make fun of. There was no yelling, arguing, or spiteful comments. (Though he was sure they were to come later.) Only them, sitting by him in possibly false pity.

Really, they should have just told him sooner. Then maybe, just maybe, it would reduce his humiliation by a little. 

 "Kaminari, you need to breath."

 Denki lifted his head from between his elbows, wiping at his eyes furiously with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. The one Jiro gifted to him last Christmas. His favorite one. He refused to meet their eyes as he lifted himself to his feet, swaying more than he would have liked. 

Kaminari forced on an unsure smile, looking down to his feet. "I-i gotta go. I- can we talk about this later?" 

 The two nodded, and really, they looked more in sync then Kaminari and Jiro ever were. In fact, Jiro was glowing. Even in the tense, remorseful atmosphere, she appeared happier then she had been in a while. Kaminari was happy for her. Really.

Denki snatched his newly cracked phone from the phone, sighing in relief when it turned on. The first and only win of the day. He didn't bother grabbing any of his stuff, or even a coat on his way out. A stupid decision on his side. The snow had picked up outside, the bitter wetness slapping against his flushed cheeks. But that's okay, he probably deserved it.

Kaminari centric oneshots (whump, fluff, angst)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя