A Cute Play Date

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April 20th 12:30pm Sakura POV

10 days ago me and Karin got into a fight because she was being rude for no reason. Since the little party was ruined, me and Sasuke decided that we would go to Naruto's today and let Sarada and Boruto have a little play date together, which i'm really excited about. It's just going to be are family and Naruto's family. Thank the lord because if I had to see Karin one more time I would litteraly kill her. ON PERIODT!!!

The play date is going to start at 1:30pm at Naruto's house and we are already ready. We thought we would spend a little bit more time getting ready, but I guess not, so we just packed are things for Sarada. It only took 30 minutes so we had 30 more minutes until Sarada's play date. We decided we would start leaving in 15 minutes. We just talked and played with Sarada for the next 15 minutes and then we left to go to Naruto's house.

When we arrived, we knocked on their door and opened it to see Hinata holding Boruto. He looked so cute!! I couldn't help but giggle as we went inside. We went inside the living room and put Sarada on the carpet floor with Boruto.

"eeeee they look so cute" I fangirled. I glanced at Sasuke, who was smiling. I pecked him on the lips and soon we both blushed realizing that Naruto and Hinata were watching.

"umm" I blush

They laughed at are embarrassment. Naruto picked up Boruto and played with him. This made Sarada cry for some reason, so Naruto put Boruto back down beside Sarada and she was happy again. OH MY GOD WHAT IF SARADA LIKES BORUTO EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

"hey Sasuke!!!" I said excitedly

"umm yeah?" he asked, obviously confused

"I think Sarada likes Boruto!!" I blushed

Sasuke's eyes turned cold. They slowly started to get red. It was his Sharingan. God, he's already being protective.

"anata calm down" I rolled my eyes

"I am calm" he denied

"then why is your Sharigan activated?"

"I don't know" he mumbled

"It's not even a big deal if they like each other btw" I said "there's still a chance they may not be a couple in the future, stop being so over protective!" I yelled

"yeah teme, it's not a big deal" Naruto said "they might be good together"

His Sharigan went away and he turn his head away

"tch" he said

"so just calm down Sasuke"

I then noticed that Boruto and Sarada were just staring at each other, like they were in love or something. Maybe they were just observing each other? Whatever they were doing, it was very cute. I had high hopes for them. I bet they were going to be a great couple.

They rest of the play date we played with are kids, talked, and ate lunch and dinner.

We said are goodbyes and left their house.

I have faith for those two...

AN- that was so MOE!!! 


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