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I came to visit my uncle again, like I do every day. Next to him is his boyfriend, Dirk. I hated how this happened. A murder and another murder. Dirk was first, a guy named Alex was wanting to harm Jake. Dirk was only trying to save him. Alex killed him. His body was found a week later in an alley covered in trash and garbage bags full of gross things.

When people tried to contact Jake, he was already dead. Murdered by the same guy. They both died by a gunshot to the head. One blow was all it took to kill each of them. Thank god Alex is in prison, I don't think I will ever forgive him for what he has done.

"Uncle Jake, Dirk, can you guys see me, can you hear me? Dirk, Dave is falling apart, his boyfriend, John, is worried sick. He hasn't talked to him in over a month. Jake, Jane tried to kill herself again, bit failed. Everyone is falling apart. Roxy is drinking more than usual. I want you both back here, but that won't happen. Rose said she can feel your spirits here. Why won't you show yourselves." I started sobbing grossly. I felt a pair of arms pick me up bridal style. They belonged to my boyfriend, Karkat, he comes here with me so that I don't end up crying myself to sleep here. It has happened a few times in the past.

"Let's get home, its getting dark." He said. I nodded and he carried me to the car. Karkat decided to check on Dave and John.

When we got to Dave's apartment, there was no answer. Karkat opened the door, it wasn't locked, typical Dave. We go to his room and he is a mess. He is crying and has his head buried in a pillow.

"Dave, c'mon let's go do stuff. John really wants to see you." I said with a smile.

"I don't wanna, just leave me alone." He responded.

"No, your coming with us!" Karkat said in his angry tone like usual. I went over to Dave and picked him up so he was on his feet. He still looked pretty decent but he was rank! I sprayed him heavily with colone and he smelt better. Karkat and I forced him in the car. Then we went to Johns house. He answered and Dave started crying in John's shoulder. He gave him a hug and then walked him over to the couch. We followed. The rest of the night we spent at johns watching movies and playing video games, it lifted Dave's spirit by a lot. He actually smiled. It was fun to hang out with my cousin and best friend again, along with Karkat.

A/N: Hey people, I would just like to say thank you for reading this, there will be more chapters. So don't you worry. Until next time!

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