Question 3~

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Question 3: If I suddenly disappeared vhat vould du do? *Asked by LudwigBeil who is Paris's fiancé if you didn't already know*


Admin/Jenny: *Sighs* Oh no, now you've done it...

Paris: *Sad look* W-What do you....? I don't even want to think about that.... I-I don't know what I would do really.. Non, non actually I do know. I remember telling you once that if I lost the love of my life I could never be strong enough to go on. I meant that. If you disappeared from my life I would just be lost without you. I had to wait over a thousand years to get what I truly wanted in my life, which would be you. So going on without you would be pointless.... *Gets teary eyed* Je t'aime, Luddy!

Admin/Jenny: *Hugs Paris* It's okay Paris, Germany isn't going anywhere.

Paris: *Nods sadly* Right.....

(( Aww how sad, poor Paris. This was a difficult question for her but a good question all the same. ))

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