Catch Me If You Can...

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Hey guys! So, I know that I haven't uploaded in ages but I'm hoping that this story might make up for it! I have had no inspiration at all for a while now and I just can't think about my other stories because I never know where they're going to end up. I hope you like this new one.


“Look at you. You look pathetic. You can fight all you want honey, this whole disaster is going to be blamed on you.” The man sneered at me. He was apparently someone from the government. Well, if this was the way they treated an innocent person then I can safely say that our country is being run by liars and cowards.

            “I never did anything, you have no proof.” I spat at him.

He laughed heartily. “Do you really think that, that is going to stop you from being accused? I’m a member of parliament you stupid girl! We can easily make proof. Now if you struggle against us then I can promise that you will never leave that mental asylum, however, if you plead guilty then I can have them lower the time inside.”

I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I was being blamed for a crime that I didn’t commit. Then again, my story is pretty much unbelievable, but that’s not my point. My point is that I’m innocent.

            “How long?” I asked.

            “Twenty years at most.” He answered.

No. I was not going to take the blame for this, especially if I wouldn’t get out until I was middle-aged, there would be no point.

            “Are you going to co-operate?” He asked.

            “No. I will not co-operate. You and your colleagues should feel ashamed with yourselves; letting an innocent young woman take the blame for your mistake. So no sir, I will not co-operate. If I am going to court then I am going to court as an innocent person. You cannot make me confess.”

His face turned into an ugly frown which then evaporated into an even uglier sneer.

            “So be it.”



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