Twirl is a Thing Now (Edited)

41 4 17

Tam had never seen such a good-looking squirrel before. He was amazed by its sheer beauty; it beat any girl he'd ever met. From the fluff of its tail to the vulnerability of its big black eyes, he found himself enraptured by the small creature. 

He began to tug on his bangs. What was he thinking? This was a small, unintelligent creature from a very unimportant species, yet... it was so... for lack of a better word, cute. He'd expect thoughts and behavior like this from Linh, but from himself? This was absolutely ridiculous.

But the squirrel didn't move as he slowly inched closer. It stared up at him, its big, sparkly black eyes gazing up at him. It seemed just as fascinated with him as he was with it. He lowered himself gently so as not to scare it away and held out his hand. The squirrel looked at it, then back at him, then back at his hand, and back at him. It seemed unsure of what to do. 

Then it nuzzled his hand with its nose. Tam felt a small smile begin to tug at the edges of his mouth. It looked back up at him, and then hopped onto his hand and ran up his arm to his shoulder. It climbed up onto the top of his head. Tam laughed. 

Linh came out of the house behind Tam. "Uhh, Tam? What are you... what are you doing? What is that? Is that a squirrel?"

The squirrel scrambled down from his head back to his shoulder as he turned to face Linh. "Uh... yeah... It's a squirrel."

Linh smiled. "Aww, it's so cute!" She moved closer to pet it, but the squirrel hopped to Tam's other shoulder before Linh could touch it. She frowned. "I guess it doesn't like me," she said. It climbed back on top of Tam's head. "It likes you, though."

"I like it, too," Tam replied. It climbed back down to his shoulder and he held out his arm so it could run to his hand. He brought his hand back in toward his chest and gently stroked its fur. It closed its eyes and rested on his arm. "I think I want to keep it."

"Do you know how to take care of a squirrel?"

"Well... no."

"Are you sure you want to keep it?" Linh looked a bit skeptical, which was pretty unusual for her. Normally she would have been excited about a new pet. 


"Well, maybe we should go to Havenfield and see if Grady and Edaline know anything about how to take care of squirrels."

"I have a feeling this isn't just about learning how to take care of a squirrel," Tam said. Linh smiled. 

"Okay, not really. I think it would be amusing to see the others' reactions to your newfound friendship with the squirrel."

Tam rolled his eyes. "Let's go, then."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Keefe laughed. "Tammy's got a SQUIRRELFRIEND!!" Tam groaned. 

"Why is it that when we decide to visit Havenfield, he's here too?" he complained to Linh. She smiled. 

"It's a coincidence, I suppose," she replied. "Although, it does seem a bit convenient for him."

Sophie had found his new squirrelfriend amusing as well. She had a small smile on her face. The squirrel, in reaction to all of this stimulation, darted from one of Tam's shoulders to his other and back. "It's so cute," Sophie said. The squirrel stopped and nuzzled his cheek. His face got a bit warm, and both of the girls giggled. 

"I thought I told you to stop calling me Tammy," Tam told Keefe. Keefe grinned even bigger. 

"Just because you tell me to do something doesn't mean that I'll do it," he replied. 

Fitz and Biana then appeared. Tam's stomach dropped even further. Keefe turned toward them. "Hey, guys!"

"Hey," Fitz replied. "Why did you call us here, Keefe?"

"Because Tammy has a squirrelfriend!" Keefe said. "It's hilarious!"

Biana looked at the squirrel, and her face broke into a huge smile. "Aww!" She came toward Tam and held her finger out to the squirrel. "It's adorable!"

The squirrel cautiously sniffed her finger (lol I have no idea about how squirrels behave). After determining that Biana was okay, it scrambled up her arm and rubbed its nose against her cheek. Biana giggled. Tam felt just a little jealous. 

"What's its name?" Biana asked with a smile. She reached up to scratch the squirrel on its head with her finger, and Tam scowled. 

"We hadn't thought about that yet," Linh replied. "We were going to ask Grady and Edaline if they knew anything about taking care of a squirrel."

"How adorable," Keefe commented. Fitz, Sophie, Biana, and Linh all laughed. 

"Shut up," Tam mumbled, casting his dark gaze toward the ground. The squirrel hopped back to his shoulder from Biana's and started rubbing its face against his, seeming to sense the tension and bitterness coming from him. Everyone "awwed". He glared at them. 

Tam endured endless torment from every side because of the squirrel that day. He was so sick and tired of everything by the time he and Linh made it back home. He sat on his bed and the squirrel hopped into his lap. He stroked its back. 

"What are you going to call it?" Linh asked. Tam shrugged. 

"I don't know. Maybe... Cam."

"That's a nice name."

"Yeah," Tam agreed. He stroked its fur again and then lay back on his bed. Cam scampered up onto his pillow next to his head. He turned his head to face Cam, and Cam booped his nose with hers. He smiled and placed a tiny kiss right on the tip of that little sniffer. Linh giggled and he rolled his eyes.

It didn't matter. Cam was his now. His little squirrelfriend. 

Awwww Tammy has a squirrelfriend, how sweet


Yes, I'm talking to you

This one was for you

Just for you

Enjoy it or else

The squirrel is yours now

Treat her well


Your Best Hufflepuff friend,


P.S. This was edited- I originally chose Mai for the squirrel's name and I just realized that Mai is Linh and Tam's mom's name XD Tam I'm so sorry 

A Craaaazy Book of RANDOMNESS!!! Quarantine EditionWhere stories live. Discover now