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   The black crystal sits alone until Sword Saint enters the room. His speed moves at lightning fast pace to strike and remove it. The Dark Crystal glow goes from mild to insane when he gets closer. Bathing him in a rainbow light show, that seems to slow him down. Boxer still at the opening, is puzzled by the real-time speed of Sword Saint.  He slows to moving at a rate of one inch per hour. To the boxer trained eye he knows it will take him days to reach his destination. Sword at first doesn't notice he slowing down but as time start to past he does.  He can’t understand the paradox.  If time had slowed down he would not have noticed he was slowing down but he can still move.  Nothing but the light has touched him he feels no pull or pushing to stop him why is this happening? Kiki would love to see physical laws being broken.

           Boxers' first instinct is to retreat but he remember what his teachers told him about speed and force and how they differ but complement each other.  How does it work when you have one without the other? Swords' speed when he reaches the stone will most likely not be enough to cut through it using only his own strength. His sword is made to cut anything, which could help. It would take days for this to end.  We have no idea if a meteor will fall and destroy this part of the spire only to be rebuilt. Why?  If they had such power do they not stop the bombardment? Then he realizes it, too many speeding objects for the crystals to overcome. Maybe having to many targets with different weight and speed will overwhelm it.

    The Boxer throws one of his sticky grenades, to the ceiling of the hall. The concussion wave and the debris field will hit Saint, but its a chance The Boxer will have to take. While the Danny moves forward he notices his speed starting to pick up. The explosion he heard he can now feel the force of Boxers' grenade hit him. Then his T.K. field kicks in, absorbing the blast in its wake. The device absorbs enough of the wave keeping him from being instantly destroyed, but smashes him into the ground. Boxer is there in a second to smash the stone. With huge laughter and in his gravely voice he says “You young ones love to go first". "Thanks Boxer...what happen to the stone?"  "I had to destroy it to free you...but look its growing back as we speak!" "Cut it free so we can get out of here!".

               Sword jumps to his feet and runs to cut the newly forming stone from the ground. The moment he cuts it, the spire begins to rumble, the stone is now in a web attached to his back. He turns to see The Boxer punch a hole in the side of the wall and leap out. Saint says to himself, "I guess the old know when it is time to rush,"  He follows as the spire crumbles in on itself.  They both hit the ground running , their only thought is to get back to the portal.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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