The todoroki's

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"I'm just what greeny~?"

"T-todoroki!" Izuku says startled clutching at his shirt. He has to take a few breaths before looking up into mismatch eyes. "If it were possible you would have given me a heart attack!" He whines.

Shoto just laughs, a rare sight but becoming more popular. Izuku takes total credit for this and is very smug about it.

"Hay don't laugh at me Sho!" Izuku says lightly hitting the boys arm. While the two boys bicker lightly Shinso runs off to show denki the matching flowers crowns that Izuku made them. And to get on with the class. Tho Denki took most of his attention.

"Huh seems we scared off Shinso." Todoroki says sitting down on the bench. He points to where the boy ran off and Izuku smiles fondly. Shoto lays over the bench looking to Izuku with his miss match eyes. They hold some form of power Izuku can't seem to match and it makes Izuku nervous.

"Hay Sho move over you taking up the whole bench!" Izuku pouts from where he stands, shoto just shook his head and patted his lap. Izuku starting to understand the other shakes his head.

"No way." Izuku says bluntly. Shoto spares him a bored glance, "Well I'm not moving plus I know you want too!" Shoto says smirking at the green boy. Izuku huffs in annoyance but sits on todoroki lap nevertheless. But it was only because he was tired of standing, not because of todoroki and definitely not because he wants to!

"Told you~" Shoto says right into Izuku's ear. Izuku turns around slightly, his Face is a bit red but no one comments on it. He is somewhat flustered and Shoto can tell so he puts on his best shit eating grin that he learnt from Bakugo and leans in closer.

"Don't push you luck halfy." Izuku says also using what he learnt from Kacchan, he tries to bite back slightly mad but it doesn't work too well. Todoroki just leans his head on Izuku's shoulder, and sighs. "Don't be mad. I couldn't handle that." Izuku caves in leaning into the embrace. He hums in acknowledgment closing his eyes. "I know I could never be mad at you sho. But how is..." he trails off trying his best not to trigger anything.

It's a touchy subject and he's constantly walking on thin ice, no pun intended. He wants to help and does try. But to a certain extent Shotos father scares him. It's ridiculous Izuku knows that. He's a god a being of higher power. Immortal even, yet the abuse, the fire, the absent mother, a brother who ran away it's all too familiar. Sickeningly so. Izuku wants to take Shoto straight out of their. Fight the man head on until he falls into submission and regret.

He wants to show that man what real power is. Yet that's all it is, a want. Izuku has never been able to act on it. Instead bringing food and healing wounds. Being the friend he was forbidden to have. He's never really done anything right for the boy and it makes izuku so disappointed at himself.

"You know It's bad zu... he's going mad now that all might is showing weakness. I..I don't know if I can take it much longer." The green haired boys heart aches and his stomach twists tightly. Here's proof of his failings. He's made this boy suffer so long. He hadn't done any for him since he first visited.

Izuku turns around to face Shoto and cups his cheeks. It's calm and gentle he even rubs his thumb over the scar lightly. He takes a breath looking into todoroki's eyes. He prays for the strength he needs and speaks quietly, "I know it's hard for you, I'm sorry I wasn't much help... but now that I've finally finished me battle. I've overpowered what I hade to, I can stay with you until you move into the dorms, I can..." He smiles moving a hand and petting Shoto's hair. "I can deal with endeavour." Its said wobbly and Shoto knows how hard this must be for both of them. He's so grateful for Izuku even if he's powerless against the likes of a power hungry bribing man. Even if all he can do is stay and help. He'll never be disappointed at Izuku's efforts. How could he be when for 10 years he's fought hard to protect and heal him.

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