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The young woman lay awake on her makeshift mattress and watched as the sun rose upon the horizon. She faintly smiled as the birds started to call to one another and leave the nests to look for food. Lucky for them, she had thought about that last night before she went to bed. She made sure to gather enough berries and seeds for the birds that lived in the trees around her cottage and scattered them about the grass.

She rolled out of bed and fixed the tattered material she called a dress. Today was just as bright and beautiful as yesterday and that only added to her happy mood. She couldn't remember a time when she wasn't always happy. The only exception was the day she was left abandoned by her parents. Though that was so long ago, it was easy to forget about these days.

Valencia had learned to make the best of it.

Sure, sometimes she really missed them but she'd grown used to the loneliness and eventually made it her friend. Just like she had done with all the plants and animals that she had been graced with. If there was one thing Valencia loved more than her animals, it was watching her plants grow and prosper.

Not once was she bitter about the hand she had been dealt but rather she rejoiced in it. What could be better than being with only yourself, waking every day to something as beautiful as nature, and taking what the forest gives you?

She knew of no other human except her parents but by now, she'd begun to forget what they looked like. Valencia tried not to think of it much and instead tried to focus on her furry friends.

The young woman collected her basket and ceramic jug and headed outside. She breathed in the fresh dew of the morning and gave her thanks to the life that surrounded her. She picked a few berries on the way to the nearby stream, snacking on them with enjoyment. When she reached the stream, she felt it was time to bathe herself and because it felt like such a perfect temperature, she didn't mind one bit.

Valencia slipped out of her shredded cloth and gently walked across the shimmering rocks and into the moving stream. It was a bit cold at first but she quickly grew accustomed to it. Cupping handfuls of water and pouring them over herself felt like the best thing over, she thought and steadily poured another handful.

The blissful moment was cut short when she heard the snapping of a stick in the distance followed by a voice speaking in an unfamiliar tongue. She dipped farther under the water and hoped the other would not see her.

The other human broke through the tree line and sighed with a smile as he gazed upon the running water. He wiped the sheen of sweat from his forehead and ventured towards the stream. Valencia shrugged father under the water and ducked behind one of the bigger rocks.

"Finally, some water." The man said, though Valencia had no understanding of the language he spoke. "Come on, Peter. Don't be shy, the water is perfectly safe." After he spoke, another man stepped out from the trees.

"Are you quite sure about that, sir? Your father would be very unhappy if his son came back with cholera." The much shorter, stubbier man said and came to the shoreline beside his partner.

"My father can kiss my behind for all I care. I am thirty." The taller of the two men replied and grinned at the other.

"I will not be held responsible, Everett." The younger one rolled his eyes, cupping some of the water and bringing it to his lips, drinking greedily. "If we had not left the city then there would be no need for you to drink possibly disease-ridden water-!"

"Relax, the water is moving and is coming down from that mountain up there. Think anyone is up there tainting the water with cholera?" The younger one said, nudging the stubbier one in the shoulder.

"I think it's time for us to return to Patras. Your father wants you present when he meets with the general."

"As I said before, my father can kiss my-,"

"Yes, I heard you the first time. Now, will you please just once, do as you're told so I don't lose my job?"

"Don't worry, Peter." The taller man stood and patted his companion on the shoulder. "If my father should fire you, I will hire you to be my servant. It's not like that would be much different for you, anyway."

The friend pushed away the other with a groan, "My correct title is 'advisor', not servant. Maybe you should start treating me like one. Now, come on. Let's go."

"Fine but if I die of dehydration before we return, there will be no one to hire you back once you've been fired. And rest assured, my death will get you fired." He let out a small chuckle and pulled a water container from his jacket and started to fill it with water.

Valencia peered further around the rock, wanting to see the man as he walked away when her foot slipped on a slick rock and she fell backward into the water with a splash. The frantic woman scrambled to her feet and hid behind the rock once again.

"Who's out there?" The man called and set his canteen aside. He took careful steps towards the sound. He took careful steps towards the sound.

Valencia's heart rate was pounding out of control so much she feared the man might hear it. She heard his footsteps reach closer and closer until he was right beside her. She risked a glance, peering up at him only to find him staring down at her with a worried look.

"Are you okay?" When she didn't answer, he tried again. "Miss, are you injured?"

Instead of giving him an answer, she gulped and backed away from the man. He frowned and offered his bare hands to show he was anything but a threat. That did nothing to calm the woman.

"You don't speak English, do you?" He sighed and allowed the woman to create space between them. He felt bad that he was scaring her so much but he couldn't leave her here if she was injured. "I don't speak Greek but my friend does. Let me get him-,"

As soon as Everett turned to alert his companion, Valencia took that as her cue and scurried off into the forest, tripping over sticks and twigs along the way. She only turned a few times to make sure she wasn't being followed but didn't stop running until she was safe and sound in her cottage.

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