*Midnight Dancers* {G.S}

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This one is going to be a roller coaster of drama and I love it so so much since it is another idea from one of my main supporters Iriese so I hope you enjoy

Author POV
Women and men swinging around on poles after popping a xanny so they can numb every single feeling in their body and just let the high take them over is such a sight

But that's not what we are talking about right now because that's another story entirely see right now we are talking about vampires and humans living in a somewhat perfect harmony

By somewhat I mean vampires are still higher up than humans so they treat them like they are lower in different parts of the world but vampires aren't the only things living amongst humans there are also other mystical things such as sirens

Again that's not the point though, the point is that humans and vampires have a roll with each other because humans have soulmates that they will love unconditionally no matter what happens but they find them at different points of their life's

While vampires have mates that they are automatically set to be with they don't get to pick who their mate is and if they reject their mate it results in horrible outcomes they become weak, lose power, and shorten their life span

The crazy thing is that most vampires have a vampire mate so everything will be fine with them as long as they accept their mate, but very few vampires have humans as mates which can be difficult for both the human and the vampire

This brings me to a rare case of a vampire with a human mate, strip clubs are a wonderful place to be to release stress or just have fun its also a great place to meet people

Strip clubs are one of the only places where being a vampire or a human doesn't matter since everyone is there for a different yet same reason that reason being to see someone shake they ass and throw money away

"Koo let me fix your skirt bitch"

A beautiful green eyed girl by the name of Park Jimin says to her equally beautiful crystal blue eyed friend Jeon Junkoo both girls were backstage getting ready for their last performance of the night

A short laugh leaves past the crystal blue eyes girls lips as she stands still as her best friend adjust the skin tight leather skirt she was wearing that had a cut up the side it was a thigh high skirt so little was left to the imagination which is good for business

"Your ass is to fat for this shit"

Jimin says while smacking the others ass causing them both to laugh lightly before they fix each other's makeup, as Koo was fixing up her eyeliner Taehee walked in her violet purple eyes shining under the dim light of the backstage room

"Damn Koo it should be illegal for you to be this fine"

Taehee says while coming up behind the other a smile appears on Koos face as she turns to face Tae so she could wrap her arms around her neck as she bit down on her bottom lip

"I could say the same about you gorgeous"

She says as their eyes connect they stared at each other for a moment only to get pushed away from each other by Jimin who was clearly tired of the whole push and pull thing that was happening between them

"Can y'all just fuck already instead of doing all this bullshit"

Jimin says with a roll of her eyes only to stand in utter shock as Taehee placed a peck to her lips then smirked and walked away as if she just did absolutely nothing

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