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Chapter 3

Gwaine has become one of the most baffling people I have ever met in my entire life. Over the course of five months (eight total since I left Camelot), I travelled with Gwaine almost everywhere through the known lands. We avoided Camelot's main city but used its land and once or twice I saw Knights of Camelot but no one I recognised.

To say he is frustrating is an understatement and more than once I had walked away from the camp with all my belongings only to turn back after half an hour to find him still sitting where I left him, leaning back as though he'd never seen me leave. But on the other side of the times, when I did not want to strangle him, he was a mischievous and crazy man who drove me to tears with laughter and we spent nights making up the most ridiculous tales we could conjure. I would gladly call him my friend. I say I've changed his opinion of me as well for he no longer treated me like a child crying for a toy.

As he had promised he taught me how to wield a sword and every single day since our first we practised. My arms strengthened and instinctual habits grew and slowly but surely, I am becoming a force to be reckoned with.

"5...6...7...8" Gwaine yells, parrying with me as we move through a sequence of moves. I finish the sequence, thrusting my sword to the side and effectively tossing it out of Gwaine's hand which is the ultimate goal he has been teaching me for the past week. "Nice work," he cheers, picking his sword back up. "Finally got it!"

"Thank you," I bow playfully. "I had a pretty shit teacher, but I make do," I tease. Gwaine mocks offence, jumping forward with his sword. I squeal, running out of the way as he begins to chase me in a circle. I doge him well enough until I turn around and see him closer than before, throwing me off my guard. Instead of swinging his sword, he leaps at me like a tiger to prey.

I scream as he knocks into me, both of us dropping our swords as we roll along the grass to a slow stop. My hair has come loose from its braid, sticks and leaves decorating my head. We groan, Gwaine pushing himself off me and leaning back onto the grass which lets me breathe. I glance over to him and don't even bother to hide my cackle of laughter which throws me back onto the ground.

Gwaine's hair is worse than I imagine my own. The top is sticking up in random places and a stick making its home in the knots.

"Like yours looks any better," he grunts, shaking his head wildly. I run my fingers through my own cringing at every knot I can't brush out.

Gwaine and I have been on numerous adventures and I not so secretly love them. Bar fights, wild animals, bandits, running away for cheating in gambling. After a year of fighting for my life beside Merlin for Arthur against supernatural creatures, magic and lies – these simple times are the best in my life. A slight worry for my life each time but it's short-lived and ends in laughter. These adventures taught me quickly how to fend for myself, even getting to use my sword in real situations in a few of them.

One of the best changes Gwaine has brought upon me is that now, watching him I see the lack of care that he has for other's opinions about himself and I am starting to see that change in myself. Maybe it's the way he acts, so self-assured or maybe he truly doesn't care -just striding along, taking life as it is - but I admire him for it, copying it. They say when you around somebody a lot you begin to pick up their traits and quirks.

I've accepted the truth that I left because of fear but if I am to return to Camelot, my leaving will not have been in vain. I would return with new eyes, a sense of self that I had not left with. I could stand by Leon proudly, smiling at the nobility who eye us without care. Part of me longed to go back, live in one place but it's just so peacefully perfect out here. I'm not doing the bidding of the court, called upon at their desire. Gwaine holds no care about controlling me. I've learnt more than I ever could there. I can now build traps, use a sword, gamble, hold my own in a drinking contest, and outrun guards.

Lost in Albion 2 (Merlin ) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now