What in the holy...Sandal?

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So, to put it simply my dads freaked out and completely lost their shit. They told Ari and I that we needed to get in the back of the car and we were going to meet some people. Will, one of my dads, ran back into the house and got a bow and arrow.  Nico, my other dad got in the car and turned the skull ring on his right middle finger nervously. 

"Dad?" I asked scaring my father in the process, "What is going on? So, what we saw a man with one eye, which I will admittedly say is weird, -like one of those cyclops from those old Greek stories you use to tell me-... okay never mind I see the whole problem." 

"Don't worry sweetie we are going to take you to see an old friend of mine and your fathers." My other dad said. "Ari, we have talked to your dad and he said it was okay." Will, stated directing his attention to Ari. 

Ari and I sat in the back seat of my Will's open aired '69 Camaro. I was contemplating weather or not to tell my dads that the thing knew my nickname. I know what your thinking, What the heck Merleigha you have to tell them! I know, I know, but you saw how they reacted when I told them about the weirdo. So, I decided against it, however, it would gain me an earful from Ari later. 

I didn't know where we were heading so I turned on the radio and borrowed one of my dads phones and played Welcome to Wonderland. I did this to 1) lighten the mood and 2) Will had an amazing voice that could calm everyone down. Honestly, it was like a superpower.  I rested my head against the door of the car and slowly drifted off to sleep. 


"Hey, Mer" A familiar voice said shaking me. "Sweetie, wake up. We're here." I realized it was Nico. I sat up and stretched my arms, then got out of the car, stretching my whole body. I looked up at the giant house in front of my eyes. It three stories tall with a split double staircase going up to the front door. It had large dome windows and giant columns for decoration or support beams. The mansion had a large Greek statue of what looked like a stern but kind lady. In the back it sounded like a waterfall was falling off a mountain. Calm and relaxing- I don't know how I knew it was waterfall, but I did and it was relaxing- It was as though all stress was lifted just from being close to this noisy water.

Ari touched my shoulder breaking me out of my trance. I looked at her and saw that she was about to go all architect on me. I smiled and said a simple I know. We walked up the steps to the front of the house and rang the doorbell. A women in about her late 20's early 30's answered the door. Instantly, I noted the resemblance between Ari and her.  They both had blonde hair, though the woman's was long and fell into princess curls, and had the same grey eyes that looked like they were analyzing everything and the best possible way to take you down in a fight.

"Nico, Will?" The lady asked "What are you doing here?" 

"Annabeth" Will said "Thank the gods, we have a bit of a situation."

"Come in, come in"The women, who I'm going to guess is Annabeth. 

We walked into the house and my dads told Ari and I to go exploring. The grown up I guess need to talk. Ari said she wanted to go admire the architecture, which I nodded and we went our separate ways. I walked around a little bit before entering a room with millions of books, Like from Beauty and the Beast.  I closed the door and wondered the library for a bit. After a while I got bored and found my way out. I walked the walls a little longer before landing in the kitchen. I was about to turn around but I saw the door to the back of he house and went through it. 

When I saw the pool I almost died. It was huge with a waterfall covering what looked like a grotto. The pool looked about 6-7 ft deep, how I knew that I don't know. 

"Pretty isn't it?"a low voice asked behind me and i jump.

"What in the holy..." I yelled putting a hand over my heart from shock.

"Sandal?" The man asked and I gave him a confused look. "You didn't finish your statement so..." He trailed off.

Suddenly, Will and Nico bust through the door and the dude and I both looked at them. 

"Mer are you okay?" Nico asked, both of them walking towards me. "We heard you scream"

"Yeah," I sighed "Sorry, Dads. I didn't mean to scare you" I gave them a smile

"Dads?" The guy asked in a questioning tone. Will looked at the dude like he just noticed him. 

"Percy?" Nico said. The guy nodded, "OH MY GODS! It's been forever." They started talking and catching up. 

Eventually, Ari walked through the door and looked in between Percy and I, "Umm, I'm sorry but since when did Merleigh have a twin bother who is... older?" Percy looked at me and I looked at him and I saw what she was talking about. I looked into his matching sea green eyes and notice that he had the same black hair as me. 

"Dads," I said calmly, "What in all the mighty world is happening? Who are these people? How do you know them? AND why was there a real life cyclops that stopped me on the street and how did it know my name?" I slapped my hand over my mouth after the last question. Well, I guess I don't have to keep that a secret anymore. My dads, Percy, and Annabeth-When did she get here?- all looked at me.  What in the holy sandal have I done?


Hey my fellow readers. How are you?  It should be noted that it is almost 3 o'clock in the morning when I'm finishing this chapter so, please excuse grammatical errors thank you .

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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