💤Sleeping Handsome💤

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Sixteen Years Passed since Curse was placed onto Prince Auro in yet Maleficent had no idea where the princeling had vanished while deep into the forest in a woodcutter's cottage the baby prince was raised by the three good fairies as their own "nephew".

Young Princess Y/n rode her horse through the forest to clear her head since today, Her own father King Hubert told her that she'd be meeting her betrothed tonight the hidden away prince of King Stefan and Queen Leah. But you see the princess wished to marry for true love not by obligation for her birthright.

Y/n- "Oh, Annabeth why can't my father see that I don't want to wed a man that I do not love with all my heart?" She said to her mare in her riding clothes as she rode near the forest ledge until she heard a handsome singing voice throughout the forest trees. "Do you hear that, Annabeth? Beautiful. What is it?" She questioned while pulling on the reins to move her mare towards the voice. "Come on. Let's find out for an extra bucket of oats and a few carrots?" She asked as her mare neighed with delight before running off while tracking the voice vocalizing until the princess was knocked off her mare into the stream. Y/n removed her cloak's hood from her now wet h/c braided long hair and looked at her mare before splashing water at Annabeth. "No carrots." She said honestly while removing her soaked cloak and hanged it up onto a low tree branch along with her long f/c hair ribbon as she shook her braid out to let her curled h/c hair flow down her back.

" She said honestly while removing her soaked cloak and hanged it up onto a low tree branch along with her long f/c hair ribbon as she shook her braid out to let her curled h/c hair flow down her back

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In the Forest by the riverside

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In the Forest by the riverside

A young man of sixteen years of age removed his hat from his sunshine golden hair smiling as his forest friends surrounded him for he was kind and gentle to anyone whom see him while his face resembled Adonis from the ancient Greece; His name was Briarwood or Briar to his Aunts. He placed his hat into his slowly filling berry basket humming.

Briar- "I wonder. I wonder. I wonder why each little bird has a someone. To sing to... sweet things to, a gay little love melody.~" He sang out clearly in a deep yet romantic manner while the songbirds followed him as he walked on towards a hill where he could see the castle off from the forest. "I wonder. I wonder if my heart keeps singing will my song go winging to someone, who will find me and bring back a love song to me.~" He sang out as he placed his basket onto the forest floor grass and leaned onto a tree branch staring at the castle from afar smiling until it vanished from his face with a sigh. "Oh dear. Why do they still treat me like a child?" He questioned himself as he picked up his basket til his owl friend flew to him. "Who?" Briar smiled slightly with a shrug of his shoulders. "Aunt Flora and Fauna and Merryweather." He said seriously before sitting down by the river bed looking down at the clear water at his feet. "They never want me to meet anyone. But you know something?" He asked his forest friends laughing slightly before whispering to them. "I fooled them. I have met someone." He said before walking away with his friends not to far behind him in delight wanting to know whom he had met. "Oh... A princess. Well, she's dainty and beautiful and... And so kind hearted." He said dreamily as he picked more berries while imagining his own true love. "Oh, we walk together and talk together. And just before we say goodbye, I take her into my arms, and then... I wake up." He said sadly as his bird friends excited chirps die down. "Yes, it's only in my dreams. But they say if you dream a thing more then once it's sure to come true." He said honestly before sitting down on a high tree root. "And I've seen her so many times." He said before he began to hum softly while some of his friends wondered off.

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