S.P.1 - The Escape

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Tony and Tommy ran as fast as they could down the tarmac path. The very world arround them, the grass, the trees, the sky, the water...everything had a deadly purple tint. It had a certain eerieness to it - everywhere seemd to have a purpelish look because of the chemicals that had been spilled into the atmosphere. The scientists could not, and did not percieve the disastrous consequences it would have on Europe.

In Bicester - the area Tony and Tommy were running - there seemed to be a much larger concentration of zombies. As the tests took place primarily in the North of Oxford City, Bicester was the nearest 'eco' town, which may have had something to do with it. Nevertheless, Tony carried a rucksack full of fresh food and four litres of water. Tommy, lagging slightly behind carried a rucksack of ammunition, two pistols and a litre of petrol. Behind them, a group of three flesh hungry zombies, blood scarred across their faces, hair ruffled and clothes torn angrily chased after them, an odd limp to their steps. Making undecipherable slurring and growling noises, they were rather frightful. Since a scientific experiment had gone wrong on a special life-saving chemical, the subtance had leaked out into the air and the infection had spread to Europe. Africa was one of the last remaining surviving places, the heat of the mediterranean stopping the gas from spreading any further - but for zombies to land there, would mean total death.

The pair finally reached a gap in the overgrown hedges they were running along, adjacent to the tarmac path. Tony turned and stepped onto the grass verge towards the clearing, allowing Tommy to run past. From the other direction of the path, two more vengeful zombies came. Tommy skidded down a muddy enbankment, just about managing to keep his balance as he neared a concrete slope, which accomdated a foot deep brook, now filled with blood. He glanced back at Tony's position before hopping across to the other side. His hand fell into some soft mud, but he managed to keep his grip and climb up, grabbing a tree branch for support. Tony was now advancing slowly down the muddy bank, the zombies now approaching the clearing.

'Come on Tony!' shouted Tommy from across the brook, now stood waiting for him. Tony's left foot lost its grip and slipped, causing him to fall back. He wasn't hurt, but on his back and all fours, he crawled down to the brook in a very awkward position. Tommy took a rock and launched it at a zombie, scoring a hit on the shoulder and the zombie subsequently pausing for a few seconds. Tony finally made it to Tomm'y side of the bank, climbing up the mud. Tommy began to jog onward, now on a concrete path at the back fences of people's gardens. He came to a turning and peered down an empty alleyway, now glad that they had less than eighty or so metres to go. Tony finally caught up with him as they turned a corner, though tripped due to his bad foot on a crack in the concrete grounding. Tommy turned to help him up, as zombies began to stagger round the corner they had just come from.

'Leave me!' Tony cried, desperately trying to commando crawl towards Tommy, but it was too late. A zombie pulled on his foot, causing Tommy to hesitate in a moment of decision. 'GO!' Tony said again, using his strength to beckon Tommy away. He took the instruction and ran down the alleyway. He came to the end of the alley, in between two houses front gardens, in front of him, a street. To his left was Alex's house, their safe residence for the time being. To the right, another group of zombies limped towards him. He exhaled before sprinting off again.

Number Seven, Lancaster close now came into view up the road. Behind him, just under ten undead zombies trailing him, including the ones that had just caught Tony. Tommy knew that a few hours passed before a person was re-awakened with no mind and just the will to eat flesh. He had finally come to the front garden of number seven Lancaster close, of which he cut across rather quickly. He vigorously rang the doorbell.

'Let me in! Let me in!' He shouted, sweat pouring down his forehead as he heard the moans and groans of the approaching zombies. A few seconds passed - an eternity to Tommy in that moment - before the friendly face of Alex opened up, oblivious to anything. Tommy rushed past him, almost knocking him to the floor. It suddenly clicked in Alex's mind and he slammed the door shut, just as a zombies hand impacted with the glass pane - though it caused no damage. There was a few seconds of rapping and groaning, before the zombies wandered off, to linger nearby. Tommy felt sick after what had just happened. He panted for breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2012 ⏰

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