Epilogue ~ The Worst-Kept Secret

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The following week after Palpatine's death was hectic. Many of the Jedi Knights and Masters returned to Coruscant, the war finally over. Padmé, Bail, and Mothma did their best in managing the Senate and managed to schedule the election for the end of the month.

As for the clones, they were discharged from the GAR. And with the help of several experts, the Jedi slowly made their way through the clones, deactivating the inhibitor chips and then assisting them in making a new life for themselves in the galaxy.

As for Maul, he was relocated to the highest security prison by Master Yoda and Master Windu. There Maul was placed under constant guard by the most trusted and seasoned guards.

Anakin had woken in the med bay of the Jedi Temple, several other Jedi in there with him. He was released first after the Healer was confident he was alright. He'd checked on the other Jedi then. Mace was happy enough, even joking with Anakin.

"So that's what it feels like." He smiled at Anakin.

Anakin flexed his own mechanical hand then, laughing. "You get used to it." He pulled off his glove showing Mace the golden prosthetic.

Mace looked down at his own. "Why do you get a gold one and I get a silver one?"

Anakin laughed again. It seemed Mace had developed a deep respect for him after these past few weeks. And Anakin welcomed it.

He visited Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin also, their injuries luckily weren't fatal so they were healed within a few days.

Anakin spent much of his time by Obi-Wan's bedside. Luckily, the healer had gotten to him in time and was good at what she did. He would take longer to heal than everybody else, but he would make a full recovery. Anakin had cried with relief when the Healer told him so. When he'd seen that lightsaber go through Obi-Wan's stomach, he had visions of losing him the same way he'd lost Qui-Gon. And he thanked the Force that that wouldn't be the case.

Obi-Wan, of course, didn't want the worry he was getting. And constantly tried to wave off Anakin.

"I'm fine, Anakin, you don't need to sit by my bed the entire time I'm here," he complained to Anakin when he woke to find Anakin sleeping in the chair beside him again.

"I love you too, Obi-Wan." Anakin smiled, his eyes soft, and Obi-Wan melted under his gaze.

"Fine, stay, but at least take care of yourself."

Obi-Wan was released from the med bay on the day of the new election. He, Anakin, and the rest of the Jedi council gathered anxiously to hear the result.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you your new Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Bail Organa!" There was thunderous applause throughout the Senate chambers. After the evidence was brought foward of Palpatine's treason and that he was, in fact, a Sith Lord. The new Chancellor was a welcome one. Bail Organa would headline a new era of peace throughout the galaxy.

It was later that week that Anakin was called to the Council Chambers, Obi-Wan had said there was a matter of great importance that needed to be discussed. Anakin had no idea what it was, but he was nervous.

"Masters," Anakin bowed once he reached the centre of the room.

"Wish to thank you, we do, for your defeat of Darth Sidious," Yoda said.

"Thank you, Master Yoda."

"Hmm," Yoda nodded. "A matter of great importance we wish to speak with you on."

"Of course." Anakin bowed his head waiting for whatever news there was.

"The matter, considering your relationship with Senator Amidala."

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