Due to recent events

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This is for The 1975 fans out there. Those of you who have seen them perform, watched videos of performances, looked at pictures, how are you unphased? I know there are recordings of Me and Fallingforyou, how do you miss how sad Matty looks? Or how drunk he is by the time he sings that? Matty said maybe a week ago, "This isn't a revolution, this is me having a nervous breakdown.". And every time I go on tumblr, I see teenage girls screaming during concerts, falling in love with his right knee, and not even watching the performances. They just video tape them. Matty looks like he is falling apart and we as it back and sing songs and obsess over his hair. So little concern is shown for his wellbeing, or any one of the guys for that matter. Why does it seem that everyone is ignoring the fact that George, Adam, Ross, and Matty are human and one of them is falling apart right in front of us?

When I watched his performance of Me on tumblr, he looked like he had lost a part of himself...

I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense to anyone. While writing this, I've been pacing around waiting for my friend to get off. Walking somehow drains my mind of thinking power. I will probably correct this later, but if I dont, know that this came from concern for another human life and was no intended to offend or hurt anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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