I Miss You

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(A/N: this is going to be heavily inspired by our current real life events. While COVID-19 is not mentioned by name, it does heavily imply it. If that makes you uncomfortable then you are welcome to not read it. I'll be putting out some other stories that do not mention COVID-19. Thank you for your time, please enjoy and drop a comment as well! <3 )

"Ugh.. what should I cook tonight..." you grumble to yourself as you look at the clock. Being stuck in your house for... how many days has it been now? Had made the hours blur into days. I was only 3pm, but it felt like the middle of the night. The only thing keeping you sane was your work and your boyfriend, Sota.

'Maybe some miso,' you thought to yourself, trying to grow the will to stand. It had been your day off, but it didn't even feel like a day off. Just another day trapped in your own home, alone. That was what made this more difficult, the fact that you couldn't see Sota through all of this. His cheerful charm could only do so much through a screen. Not that you could blame him though, you were sure it hurt him just as much as it hurt you.

You reached for your phone and shot him a message, just a simple one. 'Missing you'.

In a heart beat, your phone lit up with the message 'miss you too.'. Another sigh escaped your lips before you sunk more and more into your bed.

'I don't know what to cook tonight,' you messaged. 'Any thoughts?'

You turned to your side and grabbed a stuffed bear. It was the closest to human contact you had all week, at the very least. Surprisingly, your phone rang and Sota's name and face popped up. You took a moment to chuckle at the photo you took while he was laughing. And no, it was not a beautiful or flattering photo. But it was one of your favorite photos of him.

"Don't cook tonight," your boyfriend said in a rushed breath. "Just focus on yourself today."

"What?" Did he forget that you were the only one here who can cook? Mr.Snuffykins can only do so much with his stuffed arms and legs. "What do you mean? You want me to starve?"

"No no," he laughed. You could just picture the way he throws his head back just slightly and how beautiful he looks when he's happy. "Trust me. I'll take care of it. You just take a shower and put on some real clothes. I know you've been living in pjs all day," he said with a teasing tone.

"Ah-I am not!" You lied. "Alright... maybe I am. But I-"

"Nope. No buts, no ifs and no whys. Take a shower and put on something nice for supper. Okay? I can smell you from here."

You rolled your eyes at that and shook your head, "just what are you up to now, Sota?"

"You'll find out later. I'll talk to you soon, I have a bunch of emails and calls to make. I love you."

"I love you too," you smiled. That's right, he still had work. When the phone line went dead, you looked over at your teddy. "I'll just have to trust him, huh?"


It was already almost supper time and you had done what Sota said to do. He didn't really message much during that time, however, which left the entire situation just even more mysterious. As you put away the last dish, the door rang.

'That's weird,' you thought to yourself. 'I'm not expecting anyone...' you walked over to the door and looked in the peephole and saw a delivery man? He was holding something in his hands.

You opened the door and took a step back. "I have your food here," the man said and put the food down on the ground. "It's already been paid for, enjoy your meal."

"Ah-thank you," was all you could manage before he disappeared. The bag had the logo of that favorite restaurant you usually go to with Sota. Could it be...?

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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