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Kirishima POV:

"But Hanta, how do you win?" Jeez, this is an interesting start to my Saturday. I woke up to my friend Kaminari yelling about a video game. I wish that I could say that this was the first time this has happened.

To make things more annoying, I didn't sleep very well last night. I kept having dreams about bad things happening to my family and friends.

"You're not supposed to win, dumbass. It's Animal Crossing. Why are you so stu- Oh, hey Eijirou!" I stumble out of my room, groggily chuckling at Kaminari's confusion.

"What the hell Deku! I told you to stop doing that!" A yell echoing down the hall informs me that Bakugou is awake. Poor Midoriya. I should go help him.

I sluggishly make my way down the hallway to the main lobby and find none other than the all-mighty King Explosion Murder towering over a terrified looking Midoriya.

"Bakubro, man! What are you doing yelling at Midoriya when its only 8:15 in the morning?" I grin widely and put my arm around his shoulder.

"You'd be surprised what stupid Deku can do in such a short amount of time." Bakugo retorts stubbornly. He doesn't seem to mind the fact that I'm using his manly body as a device to rest my head. Come to think of it, his shoulders are very warm and comfortable. I could almost fall asleep here.

Bakugou's POV:

I can't believe what Deku did this morning. I just want to sleep in and relax on my weekends. However, the people who also happen to live here have no respect for personal space, and come barging into my room like its a common room. Anyway, what that quirkless little bastard did today was beyond infuriating.

Last night Icyhot, Round Face, Four-Eyes, Deku, and some other extras were all playing UNO in the main lobby. Apparently they worked a game of truth or dare into the UNO game, and someone, I'm not saying names, and by someone, I mean Round Face, dared that worthless idiot to just help himself inside my room at 8:00 in the morning and yell, "52 card pickup!" and throw the UNO deck at my face.

I hate all of these stupid extras. Most of them don't even have the talent to actually become heroes and are just wasting the time and energy of our teachers.

I mean, not all of them are completely useless. Pinky's pretty flashy and would probably be pretty helpful, and Dunce-face could definitely be useful if he learned how to stop being a dumbass. Shitty Hair actually has a really strong quirk, and he's one of the only ones I see actually becoming anything. I'd never say that to his face, obviously.

Actually, that reminds me of something. Oh, right. Shitty Hair fell asleep leaning on my shoulder. What am I supposed to do now? I'd normally shove someone away for coming so close to me, but I don't really mind it when Shitty Hair does it. I guess it's because he does it so much.

Well, there is only one way to deal with him. I slowly scoop him up and over my shoulder, and take him back to his room. Raccoon Eyes starts taking pictures of me holding Shitty Hair. I turn towards her, explosions crackling in my free hand, but something stops me before I can cause any brain damage.

"Katsuki, leave it," A voice says from behind me. Wait, did Shark Teeth just call me by my first name? Why did he do that? I guess it's just because he's tired. He better not call me that again though. I will not hesitate to blow his shitty head off.

I finally get to the idiots dorm and guess what? The door is locked. I don't want to wake the moron, so I slowly trek back to my room, stopping on the way to flip off some of the extras. When I finally get to my dorm, I set him down on my bed, and I tuck him in.

Why am I being so nice? Ugh, I'm still probably sleepy. Maybe I should take a shower. That would be nice.

Kirishima's POV:

Mmm. It's nice to sleep in. Wait. I didn't sleep in because of Denki. So why am I in a bed? I pull the heavy covers off of my face. I'm... In Bakugou's dorm? I can see the skull posters looking down on me as I stretch my arms.

I get up and sit down on the bed gently. Bakugou seems to be taking a shower right now.

While I'm waiting on the bed, I got a text from Mina Ashido. It was a short video of Bakugou walking though the hallway with me slung over his shoulder. Aww, how manly of him to take care of me and not just throw me on a couch in the common room.

Wait. It's almost 9:30! I was supposed to meet up with Tetsutetsu from class 1-B for a sparring session at 9:00. Damn it. Right when I send an apology text to Tetsutetsu, Bakugou comes out of his bathroom.

He seems a little shocked that I'm still here, but he doesn't look angry so I am gonna stay.

"I've gotta change." Bakugou says bluntly. I turn away to look at his wall. You can see spots with brighter paint on the wall because the staff have had to repair it when Bakugou punched holes through it.

"Yo, Shitty Hair! You can turn your ass around now." Bakugou says loudly. Why does he have to be so unnecessarily mean all the time?

I turn to face him and raise my eyebrows. "Dude, I've got a serious question for you."

"I swear I will blast you to pieces if you're talking about Deku."

"Nah bro, this is more personal." I put on my well trained puppydog eyes and slowly make my way to his door.

"Well what is it then!"

I look at him shyly and say in a calm and gentle tone, "Bakugou," I grip the door handle lightly. "Why are you such an asshole all the time?"

He stops for a second, thinking about what he just heard. This is a good time to get the hell away from him. Bursting into a fit of giggles, I swing the door open and run.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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