The Uni Problem

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*Peter is 19 in this and has been with the bartons for 3 years*

"Hey маленький паук! Can you come upstairs?" I heard Nat shout from the dining room.
" Sure Мама паук" I shouted back to her. I got N.A.I.A to send of the last shipment of Pedre Glasses. Like stark glasses but better and cheaper.

When I got upstairs, all the adults where sat at the dining table looking at me. When asked what was going on, mom said "We need to talk about universities for you. Harvard, Yale and M.I.T have all called up asking if peter parker has decided if and where he is going to uni. They really want you, Pete. Why are you not taking this chance?" I thought about it." Well, it was probably the fact that I was scared that Stark would say bad things about me to the uni I had applied to and stop me from going." I muttered. Dad looked at me and sighed. " well, that means that the black Volkswagen Touareg outside was a waste of money" I had to do a double-take when he held up the keys for it with a mini Spider-Man POP! figure on it!
"WAIT WHAT" I was in shock. That was an awesome car. It was my dream car! Was he attempting to bribe me? because it was working!

" If you choose a university to go to, I will hand over the keys to the car. Ok?" Dad said
" Ugh fine. umm, M.I.T. Yeah, I guess I am going to M.I.T" I replied after a moment. Pietro ran in and yelled, "THIS MEANS WE ARE CELEBRATING LITTLE BROTHER."

Oh crud.

A.N: Sorry for the delay. Writer's block is extremely annoying. Let me know if you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment on your favourite chapters. I have set up an Instagram page for my Wattpad account where you can get sneak peeks of new chapters and new books coming out so keep an eye out for that @ Liv_Writes_Wattpad. And above all else have a great day everybody and I will see you next chapter.

Peter BartonWhere stories live. Discover now