The beginning of the End

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It's been two months since I died.

Alot has happened since then. I was barried, I had a good funeral.  Chance hasn't been the same though. I often stick by him because well what else am I going to do. He was my everything, and even after death he's all I think about. I just want him to be happy. Since my death I've noticed a drastic change in him. Unlike his fun, loving self he seems distant towards everyone and cold. His music even changed unlike the sappy love songs and cheerful undertone, now its depressing. The worst part is I can't do a damn thing. I can't comfort him when he crys or keep him smiling. He's been getting into trouble, like drinking and self harm. Most days I cry to, not for selfish reasons, but because I can't help him. This is worse than death, having to watch him torture himself. 

I'm sitting in his room now, he went out but he should be back soon. Like I predicted he opens the door, but his mood is different today, its almost scary. He has a bag which he throws on the bed and walks over to his dresser. He pulls out his notebook, where he keeps all his songs. He grabs a sharpie from the counter. He sits down on his bed and reaches into the bag. Pulling out a bottle of wiskey, he takes a huge sip. He continues drinking it while he opens the sharpie and writes on the front of the notebook. I'm a little curious so I peek over his shoulder. 

The note reads: Life isn't worth being without her. I miss her so much and I can't go on without her. I'm sorry.

Realizing what this means, I fratically try to do everything I can to stop him. I can help the flow of tears that are falling from my eyes.

"STOP! Chance! Don't do this!" I beg as he pulls a rope out of his bag.

I try to hold him back but he just goes through me. I try to get his attention but it's no use. I kiss him hoping for some fairy tale ending but nothing. Fuck disney for getting my hopes up. He ties the knot and I notice he's shaking.

"Please for all that is decient in the world, chicken out!" I plead.

To late, he's done it. His feet are swinging about a foot of the ground. I fall to the ground, crying.  He's gone.  I couldn't look up, I didn't want to. I can't see him dangling lifeless again.

"Hannah?" I hear a hoarse voice whisper. 

It can't be.......

I lift my head, "Chance?" 

He runs to me and kisses me, the most passionate kiss yet. 

His eyes fill with more water as he kisses me up and down. "I thought I lost you." 

"You can't get rid of me that easy, besides I've been here the whole time." I admit.

All of the sudden death doesn't seem too bad.

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