Chapter 1

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Bilbo gently drew the elf blade from its scabbard. Its handle was of smooth dark brown wood, metal touched into it, forming ivy wrapped around it. The hobbit lightly ran a finger over the sword's guard, touching the elvish runes that marked it. More runes appeared to dangle down the pristine shining blade, ending in a loop about midway through the blade. Bilbo felt a stirring in his heart, as he tilted the sword closer towards him, admiring its craftmanship. He had barely worked with a blade of this size; the closest thing was a kitchen knife that was about a third of this sword's length. As a young hobbit, he had envisioned himself on grand adventures, bearing a sword and galivanting across Middle-Earth in search of excitement. Even in his most detailed imaginations, Bilbo had never put himself the owner of such a resplendent sword.

"Something's coming out of the brush!" exclaimed Ori, running back to the others from keeping watch. The other dwarves of the company scrambled to grab their weapons or emerge from the troll-hoard.

Bilbo thought it was kind Gandalf to think of him having a weapon of his own. After the events of last night and considering they were seconds from an unforeseen raid, Bilbo saw the wisdom of keeping an elf blade on him for the duration of the journey.

"Where's Kili?" demanded Thorin, as he had sent his youngest nephew and Ori to scout the area.

"He was right behind me!" panted Ori. "Then again, so was that thing that was chasing us."

Thorin glanced at Fili, who had taken position at the edge of the brush. The leader of their company unsheathed the elf sword he had found minutes ago, as his own weapons were feet away at the mountain trolls' bonfire. Even dusty, the weapon glimmered in the morning sun. Bilbo gripped his sword tighter and took position behind Bofur and Óin who had just climbed out of the troll-hoard after burying their deposit.

Thorin shouted at the company, "Stand your ground. Whatever comes out of there, stand your ground!"

No sooner had he said this did Kili come bursting through the thicket. Two seconds behind him, a figure clad in brown clothing chased after him. Fili went for a swing, but the intruder ducked and rolled out of the way of Fili's sword. The young dwarf tried to attack again, but just then another figure emerged from the brushland and whacked him with a bow. Fili now directed his attention to the second attacker and lunged, only to be parried with a long-blade dagger. He drew back and brought his weapon back as he prepared to swing down, but he stopped when he found a drawn arrow pointing at his face.

While the second unknown attacker and Fili had their brief conflict, Thorin had taken on the first intruder. This one unsheathed two short swords from across their back and swung them in a pattern which Thorin managed to block. He deflected one blow with his oak shield and turned his blade to come at the attacker from the side. The attacker, however, was quick and noticed Thorin's move; they moved in on the dwarf and pinned Thorin's sword arm between one of theirs and their side. Thorin held back the attacker's free sword with his shield, and the attacker was using its other in full strength to hold back Thorin's sword arm. The assailant drove forward with one knee and hit hard into the dwarf's stomach.

Pained, Thorin raged and shoved the stranger away from him and sliced along the side of his opponent's coverings. Whoever had taken on their leader grunted at the strike, the metal having only scrapped armor, but carried on and thrust the two swords crisscrossed at Thorin. Expecting to be parried, the unknown assailant drew back one sword and slashed at Thorin beneath his arm. The dwarf prince barely shifted out of the way. At this point, Fili was halted by the targeted arrow and Kili entered the fight by aiming at the assailant that was threatening his brother's life.

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