♡social♡ 5 ♡media♡

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Hi so how did last 2 weeks go?

Awesome? Good? Not Well?

Welp take your time no rush improvement takes time for us all.

Even for me because(I'm gonna be honest) I failed at waking up at 5am and will try at it again these 2 weeks.


So, social media. . .

Some people say social media is ruining your life but social media is only ruining your life if you let it.

I'm guilty of watching those YouTube videos on "why social media ruining our lives."

So, I am pretty aware.

Here's one if you want to watch it:

Social Media is what we are on probably most of time when we on our phone. Social Media can be either toxic or quite inspiring.

For example you are instagram and your scrolling. You see these pictures and you don't feel so good. You know what I am talking about...

When you compare yourself to that person or see that they are seeming to have a better time then you are

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When you compare yourself to that person or see that they are seeming to have a better time then you are. That's toxic and not very healthy.

It is NOT okay for your mental health.

These people are only showing the highlights, the ups of their lives. They are only showing a glimpse of it.

These pictures are only the good memories that they probably want to remember and they want to share it with others.


Honestly that's okay.

It's fine though I am not saying people should be sharing EVERYTHING like just be careful what you post online.

My point is that if these types of things are making you feel bad then just unfollow that person no big deal.

Detoxify your instagram and unfollow what makes you feel bad

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Detoxify your instagram and unfollow what makes you feel bad.

Social media doesn't have to be toxic.

It just all depends on what you consume. If your on instagram and seeing all that mess then your not going to feel good. It probably does a hit on your self esteem too.

Basically follow people that don't make you feel that way if that makes sense at all.

For example if your following this profile that has like inspiring quotes then your day is going to be a lot better.

Follow a profile that makes you feel awesome during the day just scrolling though your instagram.

Social media doesn't have to be all toxic. There's good things to it too.

Here on wattpad(google says it social media) I made online friends with people across the world and I really think that is amazing. It is so cool how you can actually contact people across the world in a entirely different country. It's insane.

People are saying how bad social media can be. Though they aren't looking at the great things about social media.

So, basically what I am saying if you just consume something more positive then negative your life with probably be a lot better.

I am no expert but I feel if we consumed something more positive then our lives would improve a lot.

So, my first step is going to take a week long break from it.

Now, your like but Mia you literally just did a whole entire speech just now how social media can be good based on what you consume.

Okay... you probably didn't say that exactly or didn't say it at all.

Just thought it . . . or maybe you were thinking that or didn't say that at all.

Or you probably want me to just answer my own self and give you a explanation...

I'll stop..

Basically I want to know how much social media in general impacts our lives.

So, yay a experiment. I am my own guinea pig. . .

Well maybe it'll be fun. I won't know how it will go.

This for me will be hard for me because most time spent on my phone I am on my socials.

I am mostly just on Wattpad, YouTube and Snapchat.

I am pretty addicted to them so it'll be hard.

Though with determination and my willpower hopefully I will make it the entire week.


I will be taking a entire week off all socials including wattpad. So if I don't answer your comments the day after that will be why. If anyone does happen to comment.

I just don't know.

Okay, so you are also probably wondering what the heck I am going to do the week after that because I publish this every 2 weeks.

Well, step two I am gonna try and "detoxify" (as I say) my instagram(and try to wake up at 5am).

Follow some more positive profiles. I don't really follow a lot of profiles that make me feel bad but I am going to do it anyways.

So, yeah that's what I am doing these next 2 weeks.

What about you guys? I wanna hear what you going to do?

Also, how do you feel about social media?

I really love hearing different perspectives. So, I would love to hear what you got to say.

See ya in 2 weeks!

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