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A few hundred years later, Clarion hovered above one of the tree's highest branches. She was watching the Hollow below.

The seasons were back in balance and life in Pixie Hollow was how it should be. The fairies went along with their work to bring the seasons to the Mainland. Each fairy fulfilling its talent.

The horror of Queen Rose's reign was forgotten. Now it was only a legend told in the theater for entertainment. Though it was still very real to Clarion.

Clarion had stopped aging around the age of forty-five. She had known that immortality was part of her bond with the Tree, but it had still been an adjustment when she realized she would no longer grow older while the fairies around her aged and eventually died.

It was a sad, but good part of life.

It was a beautiful thing to experience the death of a fairy, their magic rejoining the Hollow's and then being reborn in a new fairy. She had witnessed it many times now. As well as thousands of births. All which brought her unsurpassable joy.

It had taken her a few months to get ahold of her new abilities and to being treated differently. She was no longer a usual fairy, though she supposed she had never truly been. Now, though, it was obvious.

Being the physical form of the magic, she had the ability to morph and materialize Pixie Dust at will. She was Pixie Dust and yet, she was also a fairy. She could barely understand it herself and it had taken a while to understand it enough to control it, but now it was second nature.

The magic within her gave off a glow at all times which had been distracting at first, and then there were the wings.

They had materialized the moment she had come out of the dust pool those many years ago. They were not what held her in the air, but without them she would not be able to direct her movements in her corporeal form.

At first, she had tried to downplay the brilliance of being made of Pixie Dust. She had felt conspicuous and too forward with her power.

However, over the years she had come to understand that seeing her power brought the fairies security. Just like the Tree had brought her comfort. So, she decided to embrace the image. Besides, she figured if she was going to live forever she might as well be honest and comfortable with who she was.

So now, she did nothing to hide the power of the magic that was within her nor the physical manifestations of it. She was the Queen of Pixie Hollow and there was no shame in taking pride in that calling.

Looking out over the Hollow she felt the sense of love and devotion that was her constant companion. She missed the Tree deeply, but she could not help but feel it was with her as she served the fairies of the Hollow.

She thought of Rose, a touch of sorrow echoing from her heart. There had been no sightings of Rose nor her followers after the day they left the Hollow. Clarion knew they were long since passed away by now.

As she watched the Hollow below, she knew for certain that it would not always be like this. There would be challenges ahead. There would come hard days once more. However, she felt confident in the Hollow's ability to fight and persevere through whatever came.

They were strong and they were unified within their purpose. Clarion would do what needed to be done to protect that unity and those who held it together.

She looked out at the darkening sky, waiting. A fairy had passed early that day which meant a new fairy would be arriving soon.

Sure enough, she caught sight of a dandelion seed as it drifted towards the gathering area within the tree's branches. Clarion watched as the seed landed on the platform.

Terence, a dust fairy, came forward and sprinkled a small amount of Pixie Dust over the seed which transformed into a fairy with beautifully bright, blonde hair before everyone's eyes.

Clarion smiled. She already sensed the talent within this new fairy's veins as well as its name. Now it was time for the young fairy to discover it for herself.

Clarion morphed into a small sphere of dust, easier for traveling, and headed down towards the platform to welcome another fairy-child home.

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