ibuki mioda x reader oneshot!

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*DISCLAIMER*  10 thousand reads. That is just shocking. Let's hope it stays at 10 thousand, to never increase again.
This story isn't good. It's littered with obnoxiously unrealistic scenarios, angst, and most importantly, cringe. I made it when I was in 7th grade with a D- in language arts/writing. I really advise you read a better story than this one, it will seriously make your day better to read a different story. And when you're done with that story, come back to this one and dislike it and comment "this story is buns" on this paragraph.

Thank you, and live your life the way you want to,  tell the people you care about you love them, and don't let anyone keep you from doing that. I wish you well.

You were taking a stroll down the street on your way to class on a morning with some pretty nice weather that day. You finally made it to class after what felt like an entire day of walking. You heard that there was gonna be a new student that day.

*timeskip like an hour lol*

It was 3 minutes to class, and everyone was present that day, surprisingly. When the bell rang, the teacher explained to us that we had a new student coming today. She was about to tell us her name when someone came bursting through the door. "HELLOOOOOOO!!" A girl shouted soon after they charged in the classroom. You look up in shock at what you saw. You saw a girl with multicolored hair, waving at everyone. She exclaimed, "It's me, I-buki Mio-daa! Put it together and what do you get? Ibuki MiodaaAAA!". "She's very hyper." you thought. She sat at the empty seat next to you. "Great. A new student sits next to *me* out of all people. To make it worse she's a girl too!" you screamed in your head. "Ugh get over it already, Y/N" you thought to yourself. "She's just a girl, you already know and talk to plenty, what's different with her?", you thought again. "Hi! I'm Y/N! It's nice to meet you Ibuki!" you happily said to her. She looked at you and said, "Ibuki think's it's nice to meet you too!". She talks in a almost third-person view of herself. Kinda weird... but absolutely adORBALE!11 (sorry lol)

*wew another timeskip of like another hour awesome lol*

It was time for lunch and you decided to show Ibuki around. You were already starting to get used to her cute way of talking in third-person. "Ibuki would like to know your other friends, Y/N~~~" Ibuki cried. "Ok, follow me!" you playfully said. You started to feel a weird tingly/burning sensation in your chest. You stopped running to feel it and make sure it wasn't a heart-attack. Ibuki asked, "What's wrong, N/N?". That only made it worse! "UH i need to go give me like 20 minutes please!" you said to her, almost yelling. "Ok, Y/N *giggles*".

*timeskip like 6 minutes*

Your in a private place now. The bathroom. You starting pacing around the restroom thinking to yourself, "Do i already have feelings for her? No, i couldn't right? I haven't even known her for a full day yet!" Finally, after some hard thinking you calmed yourself down and left the restroom. You left only to be greeted by Ibuki. "Hiiiii N/N!!!" she said, quite literally pouncing on you. "Wh- How did you know I was in there!?!!" you said, almost screaming again. "Well, Ibuki saw that you were grabbing your tummy reaaaaally tight so I thought you were sick!" Ibuki said, while frowning. "W-well i wasn't sick though! I was just kind of stressed." you replied back without realizing it. "Ibuki wants to know what Y/N was stressed about!!" Ibuki said to you, frowning again. "I- Um S-schoolwork! Yeah schoolwork! That darn schoolwork haha!" you lied. You lied so horribly even Ibuki had seen through it. "Ibuki knows Y/N is lying~~!" she said, sounding almost seductive, but you knew she wasn't like that. Or was she? You said to her, "Well- Ibuki, it's something i would rather not talk about right now. It's kinda sad in a way so i won't tell you until i think the time is right.". "Ibuki think that you should definitely keep that to yourself for now~!"

*timeskip like 3 weeks or a month bcuz im lazy as hecc lol*

Me and Ibuki are getting really close. We hangout a lot now. When we hangout we usually play music or video games together, talk back and forth for like 2 or 3 hours, or sometimes i get lost in her bright pink eyes while she gets lost in my E/C eyes for a whole minute and a half! I wonder if she even has the slightest bit of affection for me like i have for her. "Y/N! Ibuki has something to tell you!!!" you hear Ibuki shout from her dorm, which she always had her door open. "Ok Ibuki, I'm on the way!!" you shouted back while practically drowning yourself in deodorant, but not too much. "will she tell me she has feelings for me so i can finally let this out?" you wondered. You started thinking of a life with her. You snap back to reality when you hear Ibuki shout, "Ibuki has been waiting 10 minutes, Y/N where are you???". "Oh crap" you thought. "I didn't zone out for too long did i?"You ran to her dorm, only to not see her, but realize she isn't even here! "Oh no she didn't go looking for me did she?" You fully went inside her dorm room, only to hear the door slam behind you. You jumped and looked back, only to see, "I-IBUKI???" You screamed. "W-WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING, Y-Y/N????" Ibuki yelled back. "wHY DID YOU SLAM THE DOOR SO HARD IT WAS LOUD!!!" you yelled back. "IBUKI WANTED TO SCARE YOU AS A PRANK, SO SHE SLAMMED THE DOOR!!" She yelled back at you, laughing. You were also laughing, so much to the point your eyes were locked shut and you couldn't see. Then all of a sudden you felt yourself being pushed onto her bed as you felt something weighing you down. "Wh- what's happening?" you asked while opening your eyes slowly. You opened them to see Ibuki. She was there, only she was on *you* and not her own bed. It's almost as if you were her bed at that point. "I-Ibuki, why are you on top of me?" you barely managed to croak out, as your heart was pounding and your face was as hot as the sun. "I have something i want to tell you~~." Ibuki whispered seductively. You thought back to your first day with her.

*weeewooo flashback time :flushed:*

"No she isn't like that right? She surely can't be into *that* stuff. Or is she?"

*back to the present*

"So you really do think that way don't you?" you said with your heart still pounding and your face red hot. "Oh, of course i think like that Y/N" she whispered. "W-why are y-y-you still o-on me, I-Ibuki?" you asked, almost terrified of her at this point. "Because of what i want to tell you~~" she said. Ibuki finally leaned in, about 4 inches from your own face and said, "Ibuki loves Y/N~~" she whispered. She started to lean closer and closer to your face before you stopped her. "I-I love you too, I-Ibuki. I have s-since I first seen you." you said, while literally fighting off tears."Don't cry, Ibuki loves you back, Y/N~~" You finally gave in and let her lips against yours. You both knew that you wanted to stay like this forever but you couldn't. "I-"You were cut off by Ibuki as she held you down to the bed. She started to kiss you even more as you were both literally smothering each other. Ibuki and you finally let go of each other as she said while giggling, "You're such a maggotbrain~~!" You laughed at her word "maggotbrain" and thought it was the cutest thing ever.

*timeskip like another week or 2. see im lazy bro*"

"Me and Ibuki have already been dating for a long time, but it seems like nobody knows!" you thought to yourself while you were walking with Ibuki to class. "It seems so obvious, yet nobody can tell? Maybe people *do* know but don't want to invade our privacy for some reason. Ugh what am I *thinking*? Of course people know. Right?" you thought again. "Hey maggotbrain, Ibuki has a show at school soon, and she doesn't have a singer! Do you think Ibuki can find a singer before her sh-" you cut her off. "I'll be your singer. I'm sure I can sing." you said. "YESS THANK YOU SO MUCH Y/N!!!LUCKY TO HAVE YOU!!!!" Ibuki exclaimed while hugging you tight."I-I don't know if I would still be at this school if it wasn't for you, Y/N." Ibuki said, not talking in third person."Well I think I would still be a sad idiot without you. And you helped me through a lot, Ibuki. I love you." you said to her with a big smile. You thought to yourself, "When she's with me, she doesn't talk in third-person view. Maybe because she trusts me?" You and Ibuki held hands as you both walked to the music room, thinking of how you were gonna sing and how Ibuki was gonna play her guitar. When you and Ibuki were done rehearsing, you and her went atop a mountain with a beautiful scene of the sun setting with an orange and almost purple sky. "I love you Ibuki." you said as you were about to kiss. "I love you too Y/N." Ibuki said before kissing you back. You and Ibuki finally let go after about 10 seconds and she said, "Your such a maggotbrain~~!" before kissing you again for even longer.

*END* So you read 1500 words, im proud but only kinda. IF you for some reason want a part 2 let me know in the comments you maggotbrains! cya on the next story!

Please don't continue.

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