You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man

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Surprised by Ben's appearance, I almost died from shock. I quickly swallowed my chicken. Oh gosh, I think that I swallowed a bone. Once I swallowed a quarter I tried talking.

"Thanks Nunn nimhm" I tried yelling at him but only failed at it.

" You should really learn manners missy, chew then tell me." He started to make his way to the counter with the chicken, which was in front of me.

I gulped the rest down and snatched the chicken and ran. When leaving I noticed the shock on his face, I couldn't help but smirk. Almost out the kitchen only 2 steps to climb I bolted. Ben grabbed my waist.

"It's not only your chicken." He grumbled in my ear. I did my best to wiggle my way out his arms which were made of steel. Giving up with a sigh I agreed. Then I thought of the funniest thing, I looked up at him and smirked. He gave a confused look, then I dropped the tray of chicken.

Momentarily surprise by my gift I finally got my chance to run. Smiling I bolted for the door. When I finally heard Ben snap out of his delusional state and run after me.

"You won't win, I'm on track and football!" He shouted from behind me. Panicking for a moment the realization hit, psssh I'm on track to! I didn't know that I shouted that.

"Yea well I got gold so you won't win."

While dummy over there was saying that I made a sharp turn to my right and up the stairs. Half way up the stairs I heard a screech and a crash that Ben took to the wall. I paused and gained my breath and yelled at him

"YOU CAN'T CATCH ME I'M THE GINGERBREAD MAN" Smirking the whole time.

Cursing under his breath, I hear Ben get up. Turning around hopefully getting a head start. Dashing upstairs I hear Ben chasing me. Quickly running in my room I search for a hiding spot. Going to my bed I going a small opening on the side and quickly try to squeeze my frame in there. I don't get far in like I hoped to but this will do he can't see me.

He skids in flinging my rug to the wall. I gasp at the sight at my mangled room. But happiness washes over me as I watch Ben fall. I place a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. Letting go of my mouth I release a shaky breath. I watch as Ben searches everywhere in my room including a bathroom. I got a little worried about him finding me when going to my bathroom. I hear him sigh and press against something, I presume it was his head against the mirror. I let out a small giggle only my ears can hear. Oh how wrong was I mistaken.


Thank you for reading this, I'm sorry I wasn't able to update as I said but don't worry I'll be able to update this more! It's just won't be everyday or so. Thank you again! HAPPY HOLIDAYS/MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and to all a good night.

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