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"People don't have to like you, and you don't have to care."

Aphrodite Harper.

Before I could knock, the door opened, revealing a woman I didn't know.

"I assume you're Aphrodite Harper?" She said, and I nodded, taking the woman's hand in mine and shaking it.

"I'm Agent Maria Hill, follow me."

She started walking, and I followed her inside to see a bunch of workers running around, along with a ton of computers,

"This is insane." I said to myself, looking around and trying to take it all in as quickly as possible.

"You'll get used to it eventually." Maria smiled, and motioned for me to keep moving.

We reached a pair of double doors, and Maria stopped me before I walked in.

"Fury is in there, waiting for a meeting. Have fun, and it was nice to meet you."

I gave her a friendly nod, a quick 'thankyou' and then I opened the doors.

There was a big room with double doors on the other side of the room, a big table and dozens of chairs.

"There she is, I knew you'd come around." Fury said knowingly, and I smiled a little, shrugging.

"And with that know it all attitude, I'm leaving." I said jokingly, rolling my eyes and pretending to turn around and leave.

"Just so you know, a meeting is being called with the Avengers, and they're going to be here any minute." He said, motioning to the doors.

"Step outside so I can call you in and announce you to them." Fury instructed, and I nodded, stepping out the doors and waiting by them.

I heard the voices of the people entering the room, the Avengers, to be specific, making my breath hitch.

Why was I kind of nervous?

"I'm glad you could all make it on time. Sit down, I have some news." Fury said, and the voices ceased as everyone sat down.

"As you know, the Maximoff twins are dangerous, you guys couldn't take them on at the HYDRA base by yourselves."

"We didn't know they were there, sir. We went to retrieve the sceptor, we were caught off guard by them. If we had prior knowledge, we could have prepared better." I heard a voice say, and when I peered through the window, I could see that it was Steve Rogers speaking up.

"I don't want to take that risk again, Rogers." Fury said, and I started steadily breathing, preparing for my entrance.

What if they don't like me?

I smoothed over my jeans, checked that my boots were clean, and readjusted my shirt a little before smoothing my hair over and untangling my necklaces.

"-what are you saying?" Bruce Banner asked, and I heard Fury clap his hands.

I guess that's my cue.

I opened the double doors, walking in and standing next to Fury.

"This is Aphrodite Harper."

"Pleasure to meet you, Aphrodite." Steve said, giving me a smile, making me give him a warm one back without even thinking about it.

"The pleasure is all mine."

"Aphrodite here has read all of your files, but I didn't give any of you her file, since I wanted her to be a surprise." Fury said simply, and motioned for me to sit down.

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