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The Original Sin: Correcting the perception of separation from god.

ISBN 978-1-892189-06-6 US $9.95 118-pages:

The word, 'deliverance; in the way I use here, means the 'salvation' of the world from the power and panelty of sin. Sin is synanmous with the ego, our adversart the satan.Power and panetly of sin refers to satan's strong hold over our minds and the panelty refers to our belief that we have separated ourselves from God. In my own way of thinking, I believe that no peace in the world is possible until we correct the perception of separation from God. I also believe that no lasting inner-pease, which is a 'state-of-mind', possible until we learn the reversal of the thinking of the world by having a mind under our own full and complete control and noy by our adversary, the Satan. Satan did challened God before he was thrown out of heaven that he (Satan) would mislead human beings toward his (satan) sinful ways. He challenged God that HE (GOD) will not find many people thankful for HIS (GOD) blessings on earth.

I beliebve, that so farm Satan has succeded in his (Satan) efforts to mislead humanity toward his (Satan) satanic wrongful and sinful ways. We are all aware of the story of Adam and Eve and eating the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. We are also, aware of Satan's refusal to prostract before Adam and having been thrown out of the Heaven because of his (Satan) refusal to obey God's command and being proud among his collegues in Heaven. This is an old story, but what you probably are not aware of the fact that before satan left Heaven he (Satan) demabded three wishes in return of his (Satan) years of tremendous devotion and worship to God.

The point I am trying to convey here is that his (Satan) third wish was that he be granted the power to control human minds by controlling their thinking. This third wsh of Satan became the sole cause of all human pain and sufferings from their birth to the end which is death. So, death became thw wages of sin. In my own way of thinking, I believe that so far, Satan has succeeded in his efforts to mislead humanity toward his (Satan) wrong-ful and sinful ways. Perhaps, that is one of the reasons, that the world is in a pretty bad shape. By way of this writing, I am asking all those people interested in the learning the reversal of of the thinking process to contribute their own particular abilities toward a 'celestial speed up plan'


One easy way I've learned to reversal of thinking process is the same way Satan controls the thinking of the people - one person at a time. Let me explain!

Satan uses the human mind as a vehicle (so to speak) to control our thinking and misleads us through internal dialogues of self-talk of the mind. And, we can do the same. I mentioned this in my book The Original Sin (Page 39).

"Every human being on the planet earth will have the power and the God-Given privilege for 'chooseng' to either listen to the Voice for God, or to the satan's false promises that will surely lead them to LIFE FULL OF PAIN AND SUFFERINGS.

So, for 30+ years, I have done just that. I mean, I have deliberately chosen to listen to the Voice for God and tried my level best to control my own mind simply by controlling my own thinking. You might say that it had become a habit to watch my thinking 24 hours a day, 7 daysa a week and 365 days a year after year for 30+ years. You might ay that I have become a 'mind-watcher' and my own mind would not dare to think of anything without my own permission. I just quietly remined quiet and still, watching over my mind. The feelings that your own mind is under your own full and complete control is something you never get tired of. Knowning that my mind was under my full and complete control (most of the time) began to unfold the way this world would achieve the deliverance from the power and panelty of sin.

The funney thing is that this habit of trying to quiet my mind at all times and at all costs, helped my quiet the thinking of the mind as often as I want and as long as I want and allowed me to go the incassant complusive thinking of the mind. But, perhaps, the best of all during the quiet times, I achieved full Inner eace and in quiet, I received God's words. I quiet and stillness, I could hear the voice of my Creator speak. During those holy time of full inner peace I received the revelation that the salvation of the world will be possible only when all human beings will attain a 'state-of-mind' known as inner-peace.

Speaking for myself, during these holy time of inner-pease, I often visualize, or imagin or just pretend that I am doing something very holy which is that I am doing my level best not to let Satan win and keep his promise with God that many people will not be thankful for HIS (GOD) blessing and he (Satan) would do his level best to mislead them from the straight (right) path to keep them away from the Kingdom of Heaven again. A sense of relief - followed by peace and comfort tells me that God have forgiven us for having sinned and HE (God) wants us to return to Heaven after the end which is death.

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Mushtaq H. jaafri, Author

The Original Sin.


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