Ribbon of Hearts

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Hey! Dudes and Dudettes, here’s my new book! I hope you guys like it!

I would like to warn you I’m not the best writer and I would make mistakes but I hope you will tell me where I made the mistakes BUT please don’t criticize me 


“When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.” ~ Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow and Rich


Chapter One: New Star Student

Alex Coleman P.O.V.

Everyone knew I was smart. I always ranked number one in every test and everything and never been second. Until the day I met her.

4 Years Ago

“Class, we have a new student today, “ my homeroom teacher, Mr. Molls, announced.

As the new student walked in, I was stunned. She had the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. They were deep blue like the ocean water. Her hair was wavy and dark brown. Her lips were pink as a rose.

“Hi, my name is Lilly Evens and I’ve just moved here from Florida,” she said with a loud but yet pleasant voice.

This girl was mine and I could tell. She was going to fall for me like the rest of the girls in the class. Even though I’m only 14 and in 8th grade, I knew how to work a girl’s heart. But I never fall in love with them, I never do. But right now I was getting weird feelings and I still couldn’t figure out what kind of feeling it was.

“You can take a seat behind Alex, Lilly. Alex please raise your hand,” Mr. Molls said.

And as Mr. Molls said, I raised my hands. As Lilly walked passed by me, I could smell cherry blossom, it was like an addiction.

For the rest of the class, I tried to keep my focus on Mr. Molls lecture about atoms and molecules. However, her scent kept filling up my nose and I couldn’t wait until lunch where I would be able to capture her heart.

“Pop quiz everyone. For those who weren’t listening earlier, you’ll be in big trouble,” Mr. Molls inquired.

‘Oh this is going to be so easy. Time to impress the new girl’ I thought

“For you Lilly, its fine if you don’t get it. I would still like you to take the quiz though.” Mr. Molls said.

Mr. Molls passed back the paper to each student in front of the rows. As the paper was passed to me, I took mine and I passed back the rest to where Lilly was and I gave her my signature look that could make any girl fall in love me– which was to wink and give away my killer smile. But as a respond, she only gave me a dirty look.

I turned back around to my desk and thought about Lilly. Why didn’t that girl smile back at least? Was a scowl really the only look she can give me?

We started the test and it was so easy. I already read ahead last week about these stupid atoms and molecules so I knew all about it. I could hear Lilly’s table behind me shaking as she erases her answers. She must be one of those stupid girls who spent most of her time in mirror.

Minutes later, we handed in our test and Mr. Moll started grading them in his table. And now we had to sit down and read our own books – free read time, which I never do. I only kept thinking about Lilly and the look she gave me earlier. This is going to be way harder than I thought. Did she really give me that look cause she doesn’t care? But who knows, she could’ve only given that look to get my attention.

“I finished grading your quiz and to my surprise, I think we have a new star student.” Mr. Molls announced.

‘New Star Student? I’m the star student.’ I thought.

“Lilly Evans good job. You got a hundred and from now on I expect a lot from you. And Alex, I think you got yourself an opponent from now on” Mr. Molls announced.

“Thank you, Mr. Molls.” Lilly responded.

‘What the....?? Lilly defeated me? No one ever defeated me! NO ONE!’

I turned around and she had a wide smile plastered on her face. She then looked at me and gave me the look she gave me earlier. Who the heck is this girl?

I was angry and I never had this kind of feelings for anyone! Sure, I was angry most of the time but now I felt like killing this girl!

That was the day I kept getting defeated by the same girl over and over again.


~ Remember to vote, fan and share to your friends, families, alien ancestors and your imaginary friends J. And tell me what I could do to do better! ;) ~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2012 ⏰

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