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Well since MonaFalah wouldn't mind another chapter... Enjoy this one😉


Camila lets out a quiet whistle as she gazes up at the Jauregui Inc. building, craning her neck to be able to see up to the top, and she wonders which one of the many offices she can barely make out above her belong to the woman herself.

She hasn't seen much of Lauren, since their impromptu painting session. And maybe Camila should have kept her hands to herself, but it had been too easy, to slide behind Lauren and listen to the way her breath hitched at the contact, too dizzying to be pressed so close, to brush her fingers over the back of Lauren's hand to guide her movements.

She's been thinking about it a lot since.

Mostly at night in the dark, staring up at her ceiling and wondering what the inside of Lauren's bedroom looked like, wondering what she wore to bed, how much smooth skin would be on display and remembering the feeling of it beneath her fingertips.


It's probably a good thing that she's only seen glimpses of Lauren since, her knock light on Camila's door when she comes by to collect Leo on those nights where he settles beside her in her studio with the set of brushes and paints that Camila had designated as his own and told him to look after carefully.

She hasn't been invited over for dinner again and sometimes Camila wonders if she'd done something wrong. But she knows she hadn't been imagining Lauren's reaction to her touch, knows that there was at least a small part of Lauren that felt something for her, and Camila is content to sit back and wait for Lauren to waltz back into her life, doesn't want to push things too fast when she's already made it more than clear that she's interested.

There's a spring in her step as she wanders into the Jauregui Inc lobby, balancing the crumpled paper bag she'd picked up from the coffee shop slash bar down the street along with two cappuccinos on her arm as she presses the button for the fortieth floor, as per Normani's instructions.

She was best friends with her cousin, and she'd first met her almost four years ago and they've been fast friends ever since. The fact that she'd ended up in the same city where she'd not long ago gotten a new job as the art director for a bigshot company was a happy coincidence, and, along with Sofi's return to her life, had made her move a lot easier.

She pulls up the instructions Normani had sent her to find her office, but she realizes she doesn't need them as she steps around the corner hiding the elevators and into the bullpen, lips pulling into a smile when she sees her behind a glass wall directly in front of her.

Camila doesn't even need to look to see whose office it is, because really, who else but Lauren Jauregui would have an office made of glass, situated in the center of the bullpen so she could both spy on and intimidate her employees at exactly the same time?

Camila wouldn't have expected anything less, and it makes her smile.

Most of the occupants of the desks around her look busy, phones pressed to their ears or frantically typing away, and Camila crosses hesitantly over towards Lauren's office, pausing at the desk of a guy who looks about her age, looking bored as he stares at the computer screen in front of him.

"Excuse me?" She asks softly, though her voice still makes him jump – he glances from the screen and up at her, eyes widening as he takes her in, spine immediately straightening and a smile crossing his face. "Do you know how long they'll be in there?" She inclines her head towards Lauren's office, and the guy turns and gives it a dubious look before looking back at Camila.

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