Chapter Ten

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Warning! This chapter may contain mentions of abuse, violence, etc.

He was all alone, they locked him in a cage that was too small for him. He cried, pain is all he has known. Ever since he was little he has been in and out of families. All of them did the same, they hurt him, they used him. No one would care about him, not one person he crossed in his life. He was a slave, a slave to the world, a mistake that shouldn't be here. He never knew his parents, he grew up in a house that raised him to be a slave. He hasn't known anything else. These humans beat and locked him like every other time. His mind filled with the times he was let out the cage, that he could go outside, moments where he had to cook or clean. They were little moments with little freedom, yet more freedom than he had most of life. He was curious, but didn't dare hope. How would life be where hybrids had the power or maybe where he had his parents and a loving home, maybe he would just be happy when someone just called him by his full name. He almost began to forget his own name. All he heard were all different kind of degrading names. How bad he longed for someone to just remember him, to remember his name, to call him by that one name he has almost forgotten. He cried softly, can someone please call his name. Please someone call him by his name, Seokjin.

It was his second home and they were so nice to him. They took care of him, loved him, but somehow that changed. It was very subtle, they just paid less attention to him and he blamed it on their work, but then they fed him less and less untill he barely ate at all. Eventually they started yelling at him and then started beating him. He was so confused, what did he do wrong? They loved him, why did they hate him now? His first family hated him from the start, but not this family. He silently cried of his loss, he thought they would love him forever, but he was wrong. How stupid of him, no one could love a hybrid like him, he was a freak. He was so scared when they dragged him harshly over the floor, they were going to kick him out. To his surprise, they didn't. They put him in a cage and next to him was a fox hybrid. He didn't know him, never seen him before. Why would they have another hybrid? The fox seemed miserable, it made him sad. Would he end up feeling like that too? They left, leaving him alone with the fox hybrid. Their eyes met and a silent understanding went between the two. This was not going to change anytime soon, they were stuck here. Time passed and the two  stayed silent, too scared to say anything, until one of them spoke up softly; ''Hi, my name's Seokjin, but call me Jin.'' A small smile was seen on the fox hybrid's face and a glimmer of hope shone in his eyes. Silence passed a little longer, the hope slowly dimming in his eyes and then the other finally spoke up: ''I'm Jimin.''

He was scared, no not scared, absolutely terrified. Someone finally bought him and that could only mean one thing, this shit life was turning for the worse. He was bred to serve, to comply to their wishes, he was trained to do whatever the humans wanted. He was broken from the start of his life, not knowing any different. He knew what to expect, more beatings, less food and a worse life. He could feel it as his new owners made their way towards him, the way they walked showed so much hatred for their surroundings. The way they clasped the collar around his neck made him gasp, his ears immediatly went down as sadness filled him. This was his road towards his end. It was a horrible trip towards his new home and as soon as he arrived, he was thrown into a small cages, barely leaving any space to move. His owners didn't say a word to him as they slammed the door shut, leaving him all alone. Looking around him he saw he wasn't alone at all. Two pair of eyes stared at him. A fox and a cat hybrid, he noticed as he stared at them a little longer, before quickly avoiding eye contact further. It scared him, he had learned the hard way what happened if you stared too long. ''I'm Jimin and that is Seokjin or Jin.'' A soft voice said, making him look up again. He thought about it, should he do it? There was no one at the moment who could hurt him, so he decided to do the thing that made him go against his instincts. Finally he whispered softly in his scratchy voice from the lack of use: ''I'm Jungkook''.

It was the start of their road together. Three hybrids, each another breed, yet they became close. They needed eachother to stay sane. Each day was a day full of torture, doing their chores, getting beat because they didn't do it right and back to their cages. Eventually they got a bigger cage, making them able to be together. It made it seem they did care a little. They were all broken, one more than the other, but together they stayed strong, strong enough to endure it a little longer. They made a promise that one day they would be free and all be together. They fantasized over the amazing life they would want for themselves. No matter how much they tried their best, they all knew the truth. There was no escaping this life. They were born to be abused. Born to be used. Born to be a slave to the humans. They were a freak of nature and the humans made it very clear. They didn't belong. And they were right, but at least they belonged together.

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