Chapter Three

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(A Month Later, July.)

Josh sighed to himself as he followed behind his nanny who was slowly walking around the Lidl store, taking her time as she carefully picked out a pan of white Brennan's bread. Having a car came with it's advantages, but since he got it he feels as if he is a taxi driver for his nan as she had no licence and he shares the same car as his granddad. He loved his nan, would do anything for her, but he grew impatient having to stay at home sometimes just in case his nan would want to go out somewhere. He did it though, respecting his nanny.

''Josh, will you go grab some milk for me? The 3 Litre?'' she asked, placing the pan into the trolley carefully. Josh nodded and walked down the aisles before reaching the fridges where the milk was. His eyes browsed through the varieties of milk before picking out the Lidl branded full fat 3 Litre milk. His fingers looped through the handle of the milk, about to walk towards his nan again until he notices someone familiar beside him. Sophie Dunne, holding a basket in her hand as she stared uncertainly at the selection of yoghurts.

''Hi, Sophie.''

Sophie was startled, stepping out of her dazed state and looking up to see Josh. Her face went red. Josh found it amusing, he noticed she seemed to go red a lot because of how pale her complexion was. Josh completely towered over her, he was used to being tall, but Sophie was one of the smallest girls in his year. ''Josh, hey.'' She smiled, a bit confused.

He nodded to her basket, which consisted of onions, peppers, chicken breast, a jar of what appeared to be some sort of Indian curry mix, and some seasonings. ''You cooking?"

''Yeah, got bored at home.'' She let out a pathetic chuckle after speaking.

''Curry, is it?''

''Yeah, Chicken Masala.''

''I've never tried it.''

''It's nice, you should get it from a Indian.''

''I will have to try it.'' He nodded. He noticed her appearance, she had her hair hanging down over her shoulders, a pair of tight black jeans on with a pink cropped top, paired with a pair of clean white nike runners. He looked down to his, which was the same pair of stained vans he always worn. He wasn't used to seeing Sophie wearing something other than her uniform or her pyjamas. He thought she looked nice. ''Your brother home?''

''No, he's out with Hannah somewhere.''

''Feel like I never see him anymore. Always with her.''

Sophie laughed, looking around the shop thinking of what to say. ''Yeah, well I don't mind. She's doing me a favour getting him out of the house, stop him from annoying me.''

Josh laughed softly with her, aware of her situation with her brother. ''Ah he's not too bad.''

''You don't live with him.''

''That's true.''

''Did you get lost?'' Josh turns his head to see his nanny behind Sophie pushing her trolley and stopping to grab the milk out of Joshes hand, rolling her eyes jokingly at him. She turns towards Sophie, and giving her a soft smile. ''Oh hello, is this a friend of yours Josh?''

''Nan, this is Sophie. Warrens sister.''

Sophie didn't know why, but it hurt her that he addressed her as this. But it was true, she knew this. She was just Warrens twin sister.

''You're the absolute spit of him.'' She gives the girl a warm smile. ''A lot prettier though than Warren, wouldn't you say Josh?''

''Nan..'' Josh sighed in annoyance, looking out into the distance. Sophie started to blush again, thanking his nanny.

''Is your mam or anyone here with you love?''

''No, just myself.''

''You walked all the way here from Palmerstown?'' She gawked. The Lidl closest to Palmerstown was in the next town, which wasn't far by car but by foot it was a bit of a hike. ''Yeah, I don't mind though. Get's me out.'' Sophie said, shrugging.

''Well, do you have a lift?''

''No it's grand I'll just walk.''

''No, hardly pet I wouldn't let you do that.'' Josh furrowed his brows at his nan, who was yet again deciding what he done with his car. ''Josh will drop you.''

''No, honestly that's okay-''

''No, I insist. Josh doesn't mind, right?'' His nan cut Sophie off, looking over to Josh giving him a warning look. Josh nods in defeat, ''Ye it's grand, you're on the way anyway.'' He didn't really mind, just his nanny deciding what his car is used for again bothered him.

''Well, alright, thank you.'' She smiled softly. The three of them walked towards the checkout aisle together. The three of them laughed as his nanny got irritated with the self checkout machine, saying it was a disgrace and she didn't understand why she had to checkout her shopping herself. Josh and Sophie shared the same funny look at each other, laughing as they helped her through her shopping.

''You've a lovely house.'' His nan commented as Sophie unbuckled her seatbelt from the backseat of Josh's car, grabbing her bag of shopping. ''Oh, thank you.''

''Was it built?'' She asked.

''Yeah, my dad, grandad uncle built it together.'' She blushed, feeling a bit awkward because she didn't know his nan very well. She was sweet though, Sophie thought.

''Lovely.'' She smiled at her. Josh's nan was a very happy woman, finding joy in the littlest things. ''Well it was lovely meeting you, pet.''

''You too. Thanks Josh.'' She nodded, before getting out of the car and closing the door behind her, taking her keys out of her back pocket of her jeans as she walked into the house.

As Josh reversed out of her garden, his nan gave him a foul look. ''What are you looking at me like that for?'' He asked, knowing his nanny wasn't impressed with something.

''You could've said goodbye to the girl.'' She complained, looking out of the window and watching the world go by as Josh drove out of the estate.

Josh rolled his eyes, focusing his eyes on the road as he kneaded the wheel. ''Didn't think it would matter.''

''It does, your mother and I didn't bring you up like that.'' Josh always felt a pain in his chest when his mam was brought up, especially when his nan brought her up when he does something his nanny disapproved of. He knew she didn't mean it, but it made him feel as if he let his mam down. Josh never knew his dad, but when his mam died of breast cancer during his junior cert something died inside of him. He knew he never needed his dad, but his mam was all he really knew. God, how he misses her. He wondered what she would think of Sophie, but snapped out of that thought. Why would that matter?

''She's a lovely girl.''

Josh stayed quiet and continued driving home.


''Well?'' Josh mocked his nan, giving her a small grin before focusing back on the road.

''Isn't she? A lovely girl?''

''Yeah, she's Warren's sister.''

''That doesn't have to mean anything, Josh.'' His nan gave him a cheeky smile, knowing he'd get a bit flustered.

''What's that suppose to mean?'' He furrowed his brows.

''Nothing, just saying a girl being your friends brother doesn't have to stop you from dating her.''

''Jesus, nan.'' He groaned in annoyance. ''It's nothing like that.''

''Ah, right.'' His nan chuckled, laying her head against the car seat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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