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Do you remember when you were a child?

You were very young; you hadn’t even started school yet. 

You were so imaginative, so creative.

You loved to listen to stories and play pretend.

You would go outside everyday and become an astronaut in outer space, an explorer in uncharted water, or pirate searching for your buried treasures.

But every night when your parents tucked you into bed, you became very afraid.

You knew it wasn’t your imagination.

You didn’t want this fear.

It wasn’t fun.

You probably don’t remember why you were afraid, but I do.

Try and remember 

Remember hiding under the covers.

Remember out games of peekaboo in the middle of the night.

Remember me.

Because when you do, you will never be able to sleep again. 

And then we can stay up all night playing peekaboo.

Just like we did when you were younger.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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